On Tuesday, April 29th 2014 the 15th annual Newport Beach Film Festival will present its Italian Spotlight, an evening celebration of Italian cinema and culture. The event will feature the Orange County premiere of the highly acclaimed film, A Five Star Life (Viaggio Sola), followed by a festive post screening gala. Irene (Margherita Buy, winner o...

by Carol Cormaci   The local branch of the Italian Catholic Federation recently helped celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the parent organization by attending an affair at Casa Italiana that drew 185 members of the Los Angeles Archdiocese.   Representing Branch 374 from St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church in La Cañad...

By Lawrence Ulrich Slip-sliding around Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca with Derek Hill in the world's last Maserati Tipo 151 – a vintage honey that tore through LeMans in the early '60s – it's possible to imagine that Maserati's glory days were all in the past. But seeing the alluring Alfieri concept car unveiled for North America, it's clear that...

ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation), is pleased to announce the appointment of Monica Veronesi as Executive Director as of January 1st, 2015. Monica has over 20 years experience in management, strategic communications, institutional relations, crisis management and public affairs. Prior to joining ISSNAF, Monica wa...

E&J Gallo Winery continues its North Coast wine property acquisition activity with plans to purchase the large Asti Winery and 275 acres of surrounding vineyards in northern Sonoma County as well as the Souverain wine brand. The acquisition agreement with Treasury Wine Estates, announced late July 20, includes one of Sonoma County's oldest and...

  WTI Magazine #68    2015 September, 18Author : Cookie Curci      Translation by:   My grandfather was never a man of many words, but when he spoke we listened. Though his words were few they were filled with wisdom. He would often say to us: "Pray for the things you want, but work for the things you need". If grandpa said that phrase once, he...

by Sherrie Moore   There is no better way to enjoy a glass of California wine than sitting out amongst the vines. For the 17th season, AAUW of Pleasant Hill-Martinez welcomes you to experience an evening in the vineyard sampling a variety of wines, followed by an Italian Dinner.   Mark Saturday, Oct. 10, as a night to relax with frien...

di Paolo Giaccio   Per uno startupper italiano che voglia presentare il suo progetto nella Silicon Valley il primo ponte da attraversare è quello gettato da Marco Marinucci e Alberto Onetti. Si chiama Mind the Bridge. È una fondazione che aiuta le startup che vogliono uscire dai propri confini, organizzandogli corsi, incontri, presentazioni....

By Sarah Fritsche   With this evening's (Wednesday, January 27) grand opening of Fiorella, Boris Nemchenok, owner of Haight Street wine bar and pizzeria Uva Enoteca, is set to bring cozy neighborhood Italian eats to the Richmond District.   The centerpiece of the 40 seat restaurant, which is located in the former Shimo space on Clemen...

By Mauro Battocchi Fabrizio Capobianco knows a thing or two about software. Ten years ago he founded Funambol, which grew to be the world's leading open mobile source company, and recently his newest venture TOK.tv promises a new social dimension to television watching where friends can talk to each other while watching TV.   Indeed from yo...