Dear friends, Next June 4 will be a very important date. Exactly 80 years earlier, on June 4, 1944, troops of the American Fifth Army entered Rome, liberating it from Nazi oppression and war. The people of Rome took to the streets, finally free and happy, to celebrate, hug and thank the American soldiers. These are scenes of happiness that all us R...

Dear friends, summer has exploded here in Italy and the heat is really exceptional. But We the Italians doesn't stop: we never stop, you know that. A few days ago I had the pleasure of attending here in Rome the preview screening of the documentary "New York Solo Andata" by my friend and partner Davide Ippolito. It is an honor for me to be part of...

To bring younger Italians closer to the knowledge of the United States of America, to deepen the study of overseas history, literature and geopolitics, and to foster a constructive comparison between the Italian and American people. These are the goals of the "Alla scoperta dell'America" (Discovering America) project, Promoted by Centro Studi Ameri...

Dear friends, I was about to write this editorial when the flood situation in Emilia Romagna has become dramatic. The photos and videos we see are devastating and make us suffer so much for our brothers and sisters in that beautiful region, where I personally have my roots, although in the part less affected by this horrendous catastrophe. We partn...

May 10 2023 Roma, Italy

Dear friends, Spring has come and We the Italians is off again to New York, where we will attend the NIAF Gala and make some important and interesting meetings. And speaking of galas, we are working hard to organize our Gala dinner again this year here in Rome. It will be held again at the prestigious Club of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affair...

Dear friends, 2023 has begun with lots of exciting and wonderful news! First, the new yearbook of We the Italians is available, with the 23 interviews (in Italian and English) published during 2022. You can find a preview and buy a copy here. In 2022 we interviewed 26 people, friends of We the Italians, who gave us 23 different points of view on 23...

January 13-15 2023 Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States 

Dear friends, September has come, summer is ending and we have so many things we’re working on!   One of the two interviews in this month's magazine is with Roberto Sgalla, the Director of the Centro Studi Americani, the home of Italians who love the United States. We the Italians collaborates with this wonderful institution and is partner of the F...