WTI Magazine #80    2016 June 17Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from Rome! Welcome to the 80th issue of our online magazine. During this month a lot of things have happened, and I want to briefly tell you about them. First of all, like every year on Memorial Day We the Italians paid our respect to the American soldiers burie...

He returned to Waterbury during tumultuous times for an iconic Italian-American parish and restored not only key elements of its heritage, but the faith of its parishioners.   On Friday, the Rev. Frederick Aniello will be honored as Italian Mayor for the Day. The event will take place in connection with the Waterbury Chapter of UNICO Nationa...

The Columbus Day Parade is just a week away, and this year's event will be a tribute to the Italians who provided shelter to Jews who fled Nazi Germany.   Tucked away inside her Lincoln Park Apartment are relics of Dr. Adina Sella's childhood, including the papers her parents used to survive the Holocaust.   Read more   Source:...

Most days, the Peninsula Italian American Social Club quietly goes about its business of banquets and bocce ball on the edge of downtown San Mateo, and not many outsiders are the wiser. On Saturday, Oct. 11, however, the club is stepping out and inviting the entire Peninsula to join in the annual Columbus Day Italian American Heritage Celebration....

By Thomas Lucente Last week, as Columbus Day approached, I was considering writing a column singing the praises of the Italian explorer. After all, Adm. Cristoforo Colombo was one of the most important figures of the second millennium despite what some in the third millennium try to claim.   Then Columbus Day arrived and my blood began to b...

Organizers of Baton Rouge's Columbus Day Festa are ready for the big time. The Greater Baton Rouge American Italian Association is making an effort to push the annual event celebrating its Italian heritage into a regional focus, and that starts this year with a performance by Deana Martin.   "(We) want to see this become a larger, regional e...

A proposal to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is drawing more questions than support in South Bend. Common Council member Henry Davis Jr. has introduced a resolution declaring the second Monday in October Indigenous Peoples Day, or Native Americans Day, instead of Columbus Day. Similar changes were made last year in Seattle and Mi...

The Memphis City Council approved the relocation of the Columbus Statue from Columbus Park at Third and Adams to Marquette Park. The Statue has been removed from the park for restoration. The UNICO Memphis Chapter Foundation (UMCF) (an IRS recognized 501c3) is now accepting tax deductible donations to relocate the Columbus Statue to Marquette Park....

The Christopher Columbus Society of Yorktown held its annual elections in December. Newly elected as officers of the organization are Mark Palancia (president), Bobby Violante (vice president), Ron Delasandro (treasurer) and Joe Tuccito (secretary). Elected to the Board of Directors were Angelo Gallinelli, Bob Giordano, Rob Gisolfi, Mike Nac...

By Riccardo Chioni Il momento più solenne delle celebrazioni a latere del Columbus Day si è ripetuto ieri con lo storico omaggio degli italoamericani che si tramanda dagli anni Venti: la deposizione di una corona di fiori tricolori ai piedi del monumento al Grande Navigatore, da parte del National Council of Columbian Associations in Civil Service...