With head bowed, over clasped hands, Italian director Maura Delpero‘s quietly breathtaking “Vermiglio” unfolds from tiny tactile details of furnishings and fabrics and the hide of a dairy cow, into a momentous vision of everyday rural existence in the high Italian Alps. ar away, the Second World War is ending — an earthshaking event felt here only...

The story of Giancarlo Parretti, the flamboyant Italian waiter-turned-financier who bought MGM in 1990 and was ousted and indicted when his takeover deal for the Hollywood studio collapsed, is in early stages of getting the big screen treatment. Independent Los-Angeles-based film producer Niels Juul (“Ferrari,” “Killers of the Flower Moon”) has tra...

The 81st edition of the Venice Film Festival (Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia) got underway this week, unofficially signaling the end of summer and the first murmurings of il rientro. The festival kicked off with the premiere of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, the long-awaited sequel to director Tim Burton’s campy cult classic, bri...

Pozzuoli, a small town near Naples, is about as far from Hollywood as you can get. There is no glitz, no glamor, and its residents have been historically impoverished. Back in the 1940s, this was even more so the case. But, it was here, among the rubble of bomb sites and the blares of sirens, that a star was born.   Sophia Loren’s childhood was def...

The Italian government will this week announce major changes to its film and TV tax credit system aimed at boosting local productions and producers and ensuring more Italian stories get told on screen. The changes come after a year of uncertainty that has left many productions in limbo. Under the new rules, international co-productions will face an...

The Cleveland Italian Film Festival returns for its 17th edition in September. “After studying and living in Italy on visits back to Cleveland I wondered why great award-winning films shot over Cleveland to other cities in the U.S.,” said festival director Joyce Mariani, who established the event in 2006. “I felt it was time Cleveland had an indepe...

When it comes to all the actors we love seeing on camera, it’s sometimes fun to know who makes the naughty or nice lists. We see all kinds of dramatic and diva-like behavior hitting the headlines out of Hollywood, but how often do we get a sneak peek at the nicest celebrities in Tinsel Town? It’s a shame that the most generous movie stars don’t get...

From September 28 2024 To November 02 2024. Angelico Hall Dominican University of California 50 Acacia Avenue, San Rafael, CA. Originally started as an informal, one-time only presentation of Italian movies in a college lecture hall, the Italian Film Festival of Marin County has grown over its 47 years into a perennial favorite in the San Francisco...

John Aprea, who played young Tessio in "The Godfather Part II" and John Stamos' father in "Full House", died on Aug. 5 at age 83, his manager Will Levine confirmed to CBS News. He died of natural causes in Los Angeles surrounded by his loved ones. Aprea was born in 1941 to Italian immigrants in Englewood, New Jersey. He moved to New York City in th...

Thursdays at 6 p.m. September 12 – 19, 2024 and October 3 – 10, 2024. Free screenings with registration. Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Chicago International Film Festival, the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago presents the retrospective ITALIAN WOMEN DIRECT, featuring a selection of films by Italian women directors that have been pres...