The memory of Gino Bartali, the champion cyclist who risked his life to save hundreds of Italian Jews during the Holocaust, is set to be honored with the establishment with a youth leadership school in his name. Italian Bartali, one of the world's leading cyclists during the 1930s winning three Giro d'Italia titles and the 1938 Tour de France, used...

Da oggi, i cicloturisti hanno un itinerario in più da calcare: è la Ciclovia del Piave, 220 chilometri in territorio veneto, tra le Dolomiti e il mare. A presentare la Ciclovia del Piave sono stati i Consorzi Bim Piave di Belluno, Treviso e Venezia. Il nuovo percorso, che si inserisce tra i Cammini o Vie/Ciclovie d’Italia, è un vero e proprio gioie...

My first foray into Italian mountain biking came in the spring of 2013 when my partner and I entered an eight-day XC stage race in Liguria’s Apennine mountains. The course stretched from the “Bay of Poets” in La Spezia, west across the entire region of Liguria, and ended a few kilometers from the French border. The race included stages with ascent...

As a young woman with only a few years of experience under her belt, Lauren Hefferon took a gamble and opened her own business; Ciclismo Classico, which promised to take cycling enthusiasts on bicycle tours of Italy. 30 years later, Hefferon is still in business, running the touring company out of her home on Marathon Street in Arlington. While she...

Goggia, Moioli, Fontana, Egonu, Quadarella, Volpi, Vio. Si può aggiungere altro? Certo: Chirichella, Brignone, Wierer, Vittozzi, Panziera, Navarria, e l'elenco potrebbe, anzi dovrebbe continuare a lungo. E' stato l'anno delle donne, l'anno in cui lo sport femminile è stato più brillante di quello maschile in tanti eventi. Così tanti da farne una te...

Italian Fabio Aru (UAE Team Emirates) will spend a couple weeks in Colorado before trying to win the Giro d’Italia this May. Aru announced this week that he’ll return to the Giro d’Italia, where he placed second to Alberto Contador in 2015. He will begin his season in Mallorca on January 31, race in Algarve, Portugal, and Catalunya, Spain — and wil...

“We commenced work and are proud of the result: now we are waiting for the other town councils to follow suit”. The mayor of Limone sul Garda, Franceschino Risatti, is talking about a stretch of cycle path on Lake Garda that some (perhaps rightly) have called the most beautiful in the world. He puts down its successfully completion to the fact that...

Would you risk your life to save a stranger, and never talk about it? Scores of Italians did just that as part of a secret underground to save Jews from extermination in Nazi-occupied Italy. Some were ordinary citizens, others were prominent figures. One was Giovanni Borromeo, a distinguished physician who created a fictitious contagious disease to...

Le statistiche parlano chiaro. Un turista americano spende in media 5.000 euro per un viaggio di una settimana in sella a una bicicletta. Una spesa paragonabile, tra le spese per passatempi, solo a quella dedicata al golf. Questi dati (e una grande passione personale) devono aver pesato nella decisione di Beppe Salerno, torinese, 46 anni, di ciment...

My first trip to Sicily was pre-GPS in the early 2000s. Desperately lost in the chaos of downtown Palermo on a congested one-way street, I yelled over honking horns to ask a policeman how to get to my hotel. “Well, you can go straight, left, left, and left again, then right … or,” he paused and waved his hands with the drama of an opera star, “you...