This step-by-step guide will help you determine if you are eligible to apply for Italian citizenship jure sanguinis, that is, by descent. However, please note that the outcome of this guide is not a guarantee that you will be recognized as an Italian citizen and you will still need to submit a complete application. Also, note that in order to be re...

New York-based NoHo Hospitality Group plans to open an Italian restaurant, an American beer hall and a cocktail bar in the new Shinola Hotel in downtown Detroit. San Morello will be an "urban Italian neighborhood restaurant" of 3,700 square feet, according to a statement from NoHo partner Luke Ostrom. It will be joined by the 5,500-square-foot Brak...

When: Fri, November 9, | From 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Where: 42 Degrees North at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center - What: ELISABETTA MORO, MARINO NIOLA – The Mediterranean Diet, an Italian-American Discovery useful for the Future. The Event is Free and Open to the Public, please register by November 5, 2018 Conviviality, seasonality, sust...

Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 from 6:00-8:00pm. The Scarab Club – 217 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48202. Registration is required by October 16th. This event, mainly in Italian, is open to the public. Prof. Stefania Spina (Università per Stranieri di Perugia): "Fiumi di parole. L’italiano liquido ed informale dei social media". ("Rivers of words. The flow of f...

The Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2018 Dante Distinctive Citizen Award is Maria Harris.  The purpose of the award is to honor members of the community who strive to promote the Italian language and culture with great energy and passion.  Maria immigrated to the United States from Italy with her...

Si sono concluse domenica 7 ottobre con un Gala Banquet presso l'Italian American Cultural Society (IACS) a Clinton Township, una delle città residenziali dell'area metropolitana di Detroit, le manifestazioni del Columbus Day 2018 programmate dal Committee Celebration presieduto da Tony Vivona. Gremitissima di ospiti, oltre cinquecento, l'ampia Sal...

A large crowd packed into the ornate Detroit Opera House on Friday, weaving up and down its grand staircases and into theater seats for an emotional salute to the life and legacy of Dr. David DiChiera, a local impresario, staunch advocate for the arts, and the founding director of the Michigan Opera Theatre. Family, friends and fans headed into “th...

Dal 26 settembre al 18 ottobre 2018 un intenso programma d’incontri con le comunità italiane in Michigan attende Goffredo Palmerini, infaticabile ambasciatore d’Abruzzo nel mondo. Nell’area metropolitana di Detroit è molto significativa anche la presenza degli abruzzesi, organizzati in diversi Club e nella Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan (FADM)...

Dr. David DiChiera, the unlikely impresario whose cultural developments helped lead the way to redemption for downtown Detroit, died just before 10 p.m. Tuesday at his home in the Detroit Golf Course Community, said a spokesperson for Michigan Opera Theatre. He was 83 and had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April 2017. DiChiera was small o...

Detroit's newest pop-up business is focused on transportation, style and fun.  A temporary Vespa dealership opened Thursday in the lobby of the Fisher Building. The Peacock Room, a women's clothing and accessories boutique also in the Fisher, will serve as a showroom for the speedy motorbikes.   The dealership will be set up through April 15, 2019....