June, 16 2015 - 6PM Italian Cultural Institute - 686 Park Avenue - New York - CLICK HERE TO RSVP The documentary "Cinema, Maestro!" leads you into a tour of memories highlighting many successful protagonists behind the cameras. The documentary makes you discover how in the last fifty years - from the Fontana Sister to Milena C...

A New York, per le celebrazioni del Giorno del Ricordo, che quest'anno è scalato di un mese causa maltempo, dopo la commemorazione e il dibattito all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura, il Consolato ha ospitato la proiezione del documentario di Chiara Barbo e Andrea Magnani, prodotto da Pilgrim Film con il supporto dell'Ambasciata americana a Roma, dal t...

Ben di senso è privo, chi ti conosce, Italia, e non t'adora, scrisse Vincenzo Monti. Se è vero che l'arte degli italiani sta nella bellezza, l'America è in cerca di "prove", per raccontare oltreoceano le meraviglie del Bel Paese, scrigno di arte, cultura, storia, natura. Superando gli stereotipi e mettendo da parte i cliché che spesso ne imprigiona...

by David Wiegand   There is a kind of template for the immigrant experience, dating back to the 19th century: People come to the United States seeking better lives, often band together with their own kind for a while and eventually assimilate into the storied melting pot of American culture. Older generations are generally slower to adapt, o...

An episode about the art and craft of fine jewelry-making in Italy from the new documentary series, "Masters of Dreams," will be screening at New York University on October 4, 2013.   The screening, sponsored by the world renowned Italian jewelry houses Buccellati and Bulgari and The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce, will be directly follow...

The documentary film MEN OF THE CLOTH will have its New York premiere on Thursday January 8th at 7 PM the Village East Cinema in Manhattan, Wednesday January 14th at 7:30 PM at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington, Long Island and on Sunday January 25th at 7 PM at the Picture House in Pelham, NY.   The film by Vicki Vasilopoulos is an inspir...

by Rachel Silberstein When Angelo Bonsignore was a kid in Dyker Heights, he was always curious about the neighborhood. For one, what where those strange pillars he passed everyday on the way to school at P.S. 201, randomly erected on two corners of 11th Avenue near 79th Street?   Now a filmmaker and producer, Bonsignore began to research th...

For our 100th interview (happy birthday to us!!) we talk about a documentary that will be aired in two parts: the first two hours on February 17th at 9 P.M.EST and the second two hours a week later on February 24th at 9 P.M. EST. The documentary is called "The Italian Americans" and, in our honest opinion, will be a milestone for the Italian Americ...