Miami Scientific Italian Community and ALSERD (Association for Smart Learning Ecosystem and Regional Development) have signed an institutional agreement for the development of a synergistic action for the study and promotion of territories and smart communities where the individual is at the center of technological innovation (people centered smart...

A bit of history, a bit of gossip, a lot of music, and no homework! This course, held on Thursdays, October 25 to November 8, 2018, will cover the basics of Italian opera, starting with its invention in Florence and the lavish Venetian operas of the 17th century. It continues with the vocal fireworks of opera seria alongside the comic antics of ope...

Ingrid Rossellini has a Ph.D. in Italian literature, but her latest book tackles far more than Dante and Boccaccio: “Know Thyself: Western Identity From Classical Greece to the Renaissance” is an introduction to the roots of self-understanding. But the Upper West Sider promises it isn’t too dense: The 66-year-old does, after all, comes from a famil...

Il progetto intende rivalutare il territorio e promuovere un’azione di promozione internazionale della propria offerta formativa, linguistica e culturale rivolta ai giovani discendenti di umbri emigrati e residenti all'estero, che permetta di mantenere e ricreare i legami con la propria terra d’origine, offrendo un’opportunità per un loro eventuale...

Un brindisi di chiusura e un augurio per un nuovo inizio. E’ stata questa l’intima essenza della cerimonia tenuta al Consolato Generale d’Italia a New York, in occasione della consegna dei diplomi agli studenti del corso di Alta Formazione “Made in & By Italy - Marketing and Communication”, organizzato da Learn Italy Usa. Un abbraccio tra presente...

Vengono da Massachusetts, Maryland, Ohio, Florida, New York, Illinois, Texas, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Virginia e Connecticut i 21 vincitori delle Borse di Studio messe in palio anche quest’anno dall’Ambasciata italiana a Washington e da Eduitalia, associazione che raggruppa 80 tra scuole e università che offrono corsi di italiano per stranieri. I...

San Francisco has always been an important location for the Italian emigration. History is mixed with innovation, and both tell the story of how Italian hard work and creativity are rewarded by the entrepreneurial spirit that finds a perfect welcome in San Francisco and its surroundings. Consul Lorenzo Ortona heads the Italian Consulate General in...

Marianna Randazzo is an Italian-American author from New York City. Teacher, wife, mother and grandmother, she taught for over 35 years, both in the educational system of NYC and as an instructor at the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. After retirement, she devoted all her energies to teaching Italian culture. Marianna is an officer in Staten Island’s Capo...

When Nicki Pecori Fioretti graduated from Loyola University with an MBA in finance in 1996, she never dreamed she’d be returning in triumph two decades later. But return she did, as the director of community affairs for the Illinois Housing Development Authority, to deliver the commencement address to the Class of 2018 at Loyola’s Quinlan School of...

Schola Italica, in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Milano, sta selezionando laureandi, laureati e professionisti per partecipare alla Summer School "Made in Italy / Made by Italics. Italic Culture in Art, Music, Fashion, Design and Gastronomy". Si tratta di un percorso formativo residenziale finalizzato ad approfondire le peculiarità...