The Consul General has the honor and pleasure to invite the Teachers of Italian in the Greater Philadelphia area to attend a workshop at the Consulate General of Italy, located at 150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 106 on Wednesday March 19th at 3:00 PM.   Letter to Teachers   Source:  ...

Il Dott. Gian Luigi Russo è ricercatore presso l' Istituto di scienza dell'alimentazione-CNR di Avellino e al momento è impegnato in attività di ricerca in qualità di borsista Fulbright Research Scholar presso Stony Brook University, New York.   Il Dott. Russo è impegnanto in ricerche sulla leucemia linfatica cronica e, in particolare, sull'...

di Michela Tartaglia   This year Dante Alighieri Society of Washington marks an incredible achievement for 30 years in divulgating la bella lingua through the Italian language program.   Created in 1984, the language program has provided Italian classes to thousands of students interested in learning or advancing their knowledge of th...

The Italian Language Foundation is underwriting the cost of upcoming workshops for middle and high school teachers of Italian. A $25 teacher membership in the ILF is a condition for Participation. Teachers can become ILF members via the ILF website (   The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) will conduc...

I'm sure many Medford residents remember an Italian teacher named Michelina Pietrangelo, who taught at Medford High School until 1991 when a terminal illness struck her. She died shortly after and left a bequest for students of Italian at Medford High School.Cesare Pietrangelo, Michelina's brother and executor of the endowment, has given scholarsh...

Eight university students who reside in California have received National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Scholarships. The students are: Gian Paul Bergeron of Sausalito; Alexander Bologna of Rancho Palos Verdes; Tristan Curnow of Fallbrook; Max Galassi ofRedondo Beach; Neal Huddon-Cossar of Novato; Michael Law of Glendale;Ashley Robertson of Pi...

On behalf of the Education Office of the Italian Embassy in Washington, I'm kindly asking for the alert below to be widely circulated though AATI listserv:Thank you very much - Paola Ebranati [email protected]   Due to the many requests, students enrolled in AP-Italian exams, who did not applyon time (April 18th) to...

Il Prof. Antonello Pileggi medico ricercatore presso l'Università di Miami ha ricevuto lo scorso 11 ottobre il riconoscimento Eccellenze Calabresi in U.S.A. Il premio e' stato patrocinato dalla Regione Calabria, il Consolato Generale d'Italia a Miami, l'ODLI (Organizzazione per la Diffusione della Lingua Italiana, agenzia operante sotto gli auspici...

"ArcSkills" è un innovativo programma e metodo d'insegnamento ideato dall'architetto italiano Guido Icardi, che la Middle School - Centro Specialistico El Sereno, nella circoscrizione consolare di Los Angeles, ha adottato per i ragazzi della Prima Media. Il programma si prefigge di insegnare agli studenti competenze sia scolastiche (geometria, mat...

Dr. Jim Cummins is a Professor Emeritus in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His research has transformed our understanding of how bilingual education works and has opened up new possibilities for enriching children's linguistic and academic development through bilingualism.   Dr. Cummins will focus...