Filitalia International & Foundation (FI&F) is seeking a museum volunteer / Intern to assist document, maintain, & exhibit for the History of Italian Immigration Museum (HIIM), located on the historical Passyunk Avenue & Mifflin Triangle at 1834 East Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19148. Interns will lead the project from start to finish, utilizi...

Il Decreto legge, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 28 giugno 2019, n. 58, prevede all'articolo 5 alcune misure specifiche per incentivare il rientro dei connazionali, attraverso benefici fiscali in favore di lavoratori, docenti e ricercatori, nonche' di pensionati e sportivi professionisti che decidano di trasferire la propria residenza i...

Ecco is thrilled to publish Juliet Grames’ entrancing, immersive debut THE SEVEN OR EIGHT DEATHS OF STELLA FORTUNA (Ecco; On-sale May 7, 2019: ISBN: 9780062862822), a novel about an Italian family as told through the lens of their extremely unlucky matriarch. Within the pages of THE SEVEN OR EIGHT DEATHS OF STELLA FORTUNA are hints of the magic of...

Il decreto crescita, in vigore dal 28 giugno scorso, introduce nuove e più consistenti agevolazioni a chi si trasferisce in Italia. Agevolazioni che la Farnesina sta divulgando anche attraverso i siti web della rete diplomatica all'estero.   Ai docenti e ai ricercatori italiani all’estero, anche se non iscritti all‘AIRE, si applica una tassazione a...

Whether anyone ever told the late Alfonso Cretarola to “go back to where he came from” — that would be the Abruzzo region of Italy, from which he emigrated to the United States in 1909 — is a question we’ll never be able to answer. But his grandson says the Italian immigrant was definitely ordered once to get out of town — in Pennsylvania coal coun...

In 1947, Larry Antonelli, an Italian immigrant who had worked in the steel business for a quarter century, decided to set up shop for himself. He bought some land on Willard Street and started L. Antonelli Iron Works with four employees. At its peak, the company was one of the largest steel fabricators in New England, turning out 1,000 tons of stee...

Sabato 20 luglio 2019, ore 11.00, presso i locali dell’Acceleratore d’impresa "The Hive", in via Ravenna n. 9 a Pescara si svolgerà la presentazione del libro Abruzzo Stars & Stripes, volume secondo - gli abruzzesi di oggi nella vita statunitense. L'evento è organizzato dall'Associazione culturale APP Abruzzo, ingresso gratuito. Interverranno gli a...

Poverty was the main motivation for an Italian leaving his family and home and putting up with the hardships of traveling to America. In 1898, widespread “bread riots” plagued all of Italy, with people protesting the lack of jobs and the sudden increase in the price of wheat and bread. Other motivators were the constant political strife and the dre...

In 1892, Anthony and Anita D’Antonio’s maternal great-grandfather, Antonio Gange, left the city of Caltanissetta in Sicily with his wife, Mary Rosina Zito, and several children, to settle in Pennsylvania. He probably worked in the coal or sulphur mines there, but soon moved to the North End of Boston. His son, Adolfo, was 5 years old when the famil...

Ben Lariccia and Joe Tucciarone, authors of the new book “Coal War in the Mahoning Valley: The Origin of Greater Youngstown’s Italians,” will give a presentation at 10 a.m. Saturday in the meeting room of Kravitz Deli 3135 Belmont Ave. Admission to the presentation, sponsored by the William Holmes McGuffey Historical Society, is $6 ($5 for society...