The Wine Consortium of Romagna, together with Consulate General of Italy in Boston, the Honorary Vice Consul of Italy in Rhode Island, NOIAW and various Italian associations in RI, is proud to present several wines from the Italian region of of Emilia-Romagna during a one-of-a-kind wine tasting event on Thursday, October 4, 2012. "A Week in Emilia...

Un accordo tra Regione Emilia Romagna e Stato del Delaware per promuovere la pera Abate sul mercato statunitense, all'indomani della storica apertura delle frontiere statunitensi alle pere e alle mele made in Italy. L'intesa verra' firmata dall'assessore regionale all'Agricoltura Tiberio Rabboni e da Edwin Kee, segretario di stato all'Agricoltura d...

by Simone D'Antonio   A few years ago, a group of women in their 50s living near Bologna's Piazza Carducci grew tired of seeing paint chipping from worn-out benches in the square. They didn't just complain to city officials. They made a generous offer: The women were willing to repaint the benches themselves.   What should have been a...

  WTI Magazine #59    2015 May, 1Author : Italian Botanical Heritage      Translation by:   The Colorno Royal Palace was built by Duke Ranuccio II Farnese in 1660 as a tribute to his wife Violante Margherita of Savoy, a great lover of fox hunting, and was later completed by his son Ranuccio II, the Duke Francesco Farnese until 1719. The Honorabl...

di Carlo Valentini   Oscar Farinetti come Walt Disney. A Orlando, in Florida, vi è Disneyworld, la città del divertimento, un'idea geniale e redditizia che ebbe Disney alla fine degli anni 60 (fu inaugurata nel 1971), a Bologna ci sarà EatalyWorld, la città della golosità, che Farinetti spera (con le dovute proporzioni) sia altrettanto genia...

by Giulia Louise Steigerwalt On October 17, 2014 the selection panel of 13 independent experts responsible for assessing the Italian cities competing to be European Capital of Culture in 2019, has recommended that Matera should be awarded with the famous title. This award started in 1985. Since then, more than 40 cities have been designated Europ...

Per l'abolizione della Consulta degli emiliano-romagnoli nel mondo sono stati presentati in Giunta regionale quattro progetti di legge regionale, fra cui quello del gruppo Lega Nord, datato 25 novembre 2011.   "Fin dall'ottobre 2012, la Giunta si era impegnata a intervenire con una propria proposta di legge modificativa della disciplina vige...

by Tamson W. Burgess   Even a century after the heyday of the Plymouth Cordage Company, the names Renazzo and Cento remain integral to the family histories of ever-growing numbers of Plymoutheans and residents of the surrounding communities. Monday, locals with ties to these now seemingly far away places can reconnect with their roots at th...

Do you love salami? Ever thought of it as a work of art? A new museum in central Italy's food valley thinks it is and is out to tell the world. It has a high-sounding name: MUSA, as in muse of taste, which is short for Museo della Salumeria in Italian and is meant to conjure up memories of top-flight art museums like New York's Metropolit...

According to reports, Los Angeles Lakers star shooting guard Kobe Bryant is ready to invest 350,000 euros in order to be part of the group that is attempting to purchase FC Bologna. Bologna, which competes in Serie B in Italy, is up for sale and Bryant is part of a group of investors, led by American lawyer Joe Tacopina, that are in advanced t...