Da sempre il Design italiano è sinonimo di eccellenza a livello mondiale, grazie all’alta qualità dei materiali, alla grande creatività e innovatività dei designer italiani, al rispetto per l’ambiente durante le fasi della produzione oltre alla cura della grafica, della pubblicità e della confezione. Ideato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dell...

Il Circolo, the Italian Cultural Society, had a banner week-end from February 2 through the 5th. Events included participation in a program called Italy in Transit sponsored by Florida Atlantic University; the 3rd annual Italian Fest, a street fair held at Sanborn Park in Boca Raton; an opera concert by the Palm Beach Opera Apprentice Program held...

In Venice, Italy, it’s that time again. Time for grand costume balls, fierce mask contests, towering wigs and a parade of preening, strutting revelers as city residents and visitors from around the world take part in its annual carnival. The season technically began on Jan. 27 with the Flight of the Angel, a ritual dating to the 1500s, and an openi...

E' il momento delle donne anche al Los Angeles, Italia - Film, Fashion and Art Fest, che si terrà dal 25 febbraio a marzo 3 marzo. Sarà la star italo-americana Maria Bello la presidente della tredicesima edizione del festival, mentre l'attrice italiana Maria Pia Calzone ne sarà la madrina. Il festival che promuove la cultura italiana e il suo grand...

For more than a decade, the College of Charleston's Nuovo Cinema Italiano Film Festival (NCIFF) has brought contemporary Italian cinema and award-winning Italian filmmakers, actors, and screenwriters to Charleston for a four day showcase.  To raise money for this annual affair, NCIFF has teamed up with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra for an eveni...

There are few bigger influences on modern horror than 1960s Giallo films. Without Dario Argento, Mario Bava, Lucio Fulci and countless others, there would be no American slasher genre. Brooklyn filmmakers Maxwell Frey and Derek Gibbons are open about the genre's influence on their work, and you can see shades of the Italian masters (along with plen...

Ash Wednesday in Louisiana is a quiet day in which the celebrants of Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, try to be penitent. Many may go to the Catholic church to be marked with a smudge of ashes and to hear the words, “From dust you came and to dust you shall return.” The church says it is the beginning of the season of Lent. Yet celebrants in many locations...

The Little Italy Festival has a home for this coming summer. Rochester’s Little Italy Festival is scheduled to be held at Capelli Sport Stadium on June 16. This will be the fifth year for the festival. The festival is billed as a “neighborhood celebration” featuring music and food from many cultures that form part of the Little Italy neighborhood. ...

Tra i grandi vincitori dell’edizione 2018 del Sundance Film Festival anche l'Italia: Sara Colangelo, da anni residente e attiva negli Stati Uniti, ha vinto il premio come migliore regista per il film "The Kindergarten Teacher" con Maggie Gyllenhaal e Gael García Bernal. Premio alla migliore sceneggiatura per "Time Share", la cui colonna sonora è op...

Dovere is an Italian word for responsibility, respect. Joseph M. Paprzycki and Pepe Piperno felt a responsibility to deliver the respect that their beloved, broken city - Camden, New Jersey - deserved. Once a thriving city, Camden fell on hard times in the 1960s and 1970s. Drugs, crime, and corrupt politicians brought the city to its knees. Joe, Pe...