The work of Francis Ford Coppola is frequently regarded as some of the best of all time. Alongside Martin Scorsese, he is considered one of the most influential film directors to come out of the ‘New Hollywood’ movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Coppola’s The Godfather Part II is often referred to as one of the greatest films ever made, even as a sta...

The freshly restored 50th anniversary edition of “The Godfather,” with director Francis Ford Coppola in tow, is set to open Italy’s Taormina Film Festival on June 26. Paramount’s latest restoration of what is arguably one of the greatest films of all time, conducted under Coppola’s watchful eye, will be kicking off the eastern Sicilian fest in its...

Paramount+’s The Offer, about the known and unknown history of making The Godfather, is one of two upcoming projects about the iconic gangster film. In contrast with its rival biopic Francis and the Godfather, this 10-episode miniseries uses producer Albert S. Ruddy (Miles Teller) as its central character as he navigates the challenges of creating...

"The Godfather" is a film so legendary that its very name is practically synonymous with the art of cinema itself. The film focuses on the Corleone crime family, led by Don Vito Corleone (played by the incomparable Marlon Brando), whose young son Michael (Al Pacino) embarks on a dark descent into his family's business. This leads to a fair amount o...

This week we’re jumping back into the second part of our two-part episode exploring the 50-year relationship between the Italian American community and Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Godfather”, with a commercial-free conclusion to this well-received conversation. Since its premiere in March of 1972, The Godfather has been considered one of the most i...

In an iconic scene in The Godfather, Michael Corleone attends his newborn son’s christening. The scene unfolds inside the hallowed walls of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Lower Manhattan and is punctuated by a montage of grisly murders unfolding throughout New York City at the hands of the Corleone mob family. Director Francis Ford Coppola largely...

“Just when I think I’m out, They will pull me back in.” The legendary & one of the greatest movies ever produced “The Godfather,” celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. And despite crossing five decades of its release the movie is still captivating the hearts of its audience by its intruding storyline, excellent cinematography experience, and p...

Anyone who dares call themselves a film fan has no doubt seen Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather. More than perhaps any other film in history, it is listed by critics and fans as one of the best films ever made. The epic saga of the Italian-America mafia family, the Corleones, is filled with iconic moments, unforgettable performances and an engro...

On March 14, 1891, in New Orleans, Louisiana, 11 Italians found not guilty in a murder trial were dragged from their jail cells by a crowd estimated to be 5,000 strong, which promptly shot and hanged them. The victims of this massacre were memorialized on April 12, 2019, by that city's current mayor, LaToya Cantrell. Interestingly, nearly a century...

Francis Ford Coppola lives—as he has in one way or another since directing 1972's The Godfather—in splendor. Loosely held splendor: In the ensuing five decades, Coppola has filed for bankruptcy at least once and has been expelled from Hollywood more than once. But splendor nonetheless. His primary residence is in the Napa Valley, on the grounds of...