The Italian Language Foundation recently qualified for a matching grant from the Francesco & Mary Giambelli Foundation, and matched a $125,000 donation from the Foundation. The Italian Language Foundation (ILF) is dedicated to the promotion and support of Italian language education nationally. It motivates and rewards students of Italian from middl...

L’Italiano, negli Stati Uniti, è una lingua da non perdere. Su questo tema si sono concentrati gli interventi di Fucsia Nissoli (Forza Italia) e Francesca La Marca (Partito Democratico), deputate elette nella circoscrizione Nord-Centro America. Insomma, partiti diversi, ma che si rincorrono sugli stessi obiettivi, con l’interesse comune di preserva...

Despite the challenges that this period has imposed on us, something magical is happening in Brooklyn. Starting from last October 2020, Simona Rodano's program known in New York as the Italian Fairy is flying to the Federation of Italian American Organizations (FIAO) in the very modern complex called "Il Centro". An avant-garde building designed a...

Pasticcio (pah-stee-tchoh) comes from the vulgar Latin pasticium, in turn related to another late Latin word we know much better, pasta. It is attested in our beautiful language for the first time in 1525, a tad too late for our Dante to use it in his Commedia, but early enough to make it common when Caravaggio was around. Fare un pasticcio means t...

The Patrons of Italian Culture Announce The Albert J. Casola Prize for the Study of Italian Language and Culture "Full Time" undergraduate and graduate students of Italian descent, enrolled at an accredited educational institution are eligible for consideration for this scholarship. A major or minor in Italian Language or Italian Studies is not a p...

The University of Arkansas' Daniela D'Eugenio, assistant professor of Italian, recently presented "Comics and Graffiti for the 'Week of the Italian Language in the World'" on the  roundtable session "Teaching Popular Culture in the Intermediate Language Courses" at the 52nd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). The...

Dear friends, today I start this editorial with a good news about me and I want to share it with you: I received the first dose of anticovid vaccine, and next April 2 I will have the second one. I believe that for me it was fate that a wonderful Italian nurse, Celeste Radatti, inoculated me with an American vaccine. Two flags, One vaccine! On this...

March has finally arrived and spring is slowly making its way back into out lives. We’ve all spent over a year in this crazy timeline and it is now clear that our routine has changed, and perhaps our perception has also changed, but above all, our language has definitely changed. Let’s take a look at some Italian words that have made their way into...

New Jersey is a wonderfully diverse place. Though a relatively small state, it has the highest population density in the U.S. It's also brimming with an immense amount of Italian-American residents. I'm half-Italian, but I didn't grow up speaking a lick of the mellifluous tongue. From pizza and pasta to "The Sopranos," I was raised in a place where...

Just like the umlaut (those two dots over some vowels) in German and the tilde (the squiggly line over the letter n) in Spanish, Italian has a couple of letter markings that don’t exist in English, namely accents. Though tiny in size, these markings pack a punch as far as pronunciation—and, at times, meaning—so don’t underestimate their importance....