I hope you’re hungry,” my guide, Dimitri, says. We’re strolling through Rome’s Centro Storico, but in the opposite direction to the Colosseum and Pantheon. I’ve joined a food tour with The Tour Guy, searching for Rome’s best traditional food. For that, Dimitri says we need to cross the Tiber into the city’s first suburb: Trastevere. Like most vibra...

Lazio, my region. A region of many wonders; a compound of sumptuous landscapes, ancient medieval hamlets, superb regional delicacies and ravishing nature. Bordered by the Tirreno waves and traversed by the central portion of the Apennine mountains, the region we’re about to discover will allow you to ride (either by car or by train) through unforge...

That the typical dishes and specialties of traditional Italian cuisine appeal to us inhabitants of the Boot is certainly nothing new. What, however, is the specific weight of preferences? What about the most popular recipes? And again, the greediest region (or regions!)? We'll tell you, mantioning also and especially about a real boom in the consum...

Choosing to study Political Science in Rome at John Cabot University offers students an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the complexities of political structures and the vital role of human rights in today's world. Our Bachelor of Arts in Political Science provides a rigorous academic foundation and equips students with the tools to champion...

Dear friends, July is also now almost over, and if anyone thought that after our Gala we would rest, they were very wrong. We the Italians is working on at least three very ambitious and exciting projects, and we already have some ideas on how to turn the gala into something even bigger, starting next year. Between July and August we will be return...

As the name says, a "house museum" is a habitation or palazzo that has been transformed into a museum. It could have been the abode of illustrious gentlemen, or of common citizens, site of familiar intimacy or a center of power: that which renders a house museum exceptional is its capacity to re-enact or represent the life that was, the traditions...

My name is Sergio Di Veroli. And today I am 87 years old. When the Anglo-Americans arrived in Rome, on June 4, 1944, I was 7 years old. But in those seven years I had experienced all kinds of harassment that the Fascist regime first, and the Nazi regime later, had inflicted on me because I was born a Jew. In this continuous chaotic succession of ev...

All roads might lead to Rome, but when they reach here, they are likely to be dug up, shut off or under renovation as the city undergoes a monumental facelift ahead of the 2025 Roman Catholic Holy Year. The Vatican expects up to 32 million tourists will descend on the Italian capital for the Jubilee, putting Rome's antiquated infrastructure under e...

In the institutional setting of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, a socio-cultural talk compared the old and new waves of Italian immigration to America, unveiling the challenges and achievements of generations of emigrants. The event was inspired by the presentation of the book "Recipes and Memories of Grandpa – A Mediterranean Lifestyle," a work t...

Italy has dozens of wonderful, small islands to discover and the Pontine Islands are definitely among the most beautiful and unmissable. Small in size, but with a great cultural and naturalistic heritage, these islands offer a variety of activities and iconic places to visit. Their blue and pristine sea is known for the purity of its waters, while...