La moneta verrà emessa in versione per la circolazione, in versione coincard (FDC) e in versione Proof (Cofanetto). La moneta raffigura La Dama con l’ermellino è un dipinto a olio su tavola (54 ×40 cm) di Leonardo da Vinci, databile al 1488-1490. La donna ritratta va quasi sicuramente identificata con Cecilia Gallerani; sulla parte sinistra, la scr...

When: Friday, February 15 at 6:30 pm - Where: Museo Italo Americano, Fort Mason, Building C Why did Leonardo Da Vinci leave so many of his major works uncompleted? Why did this resolute pacifist build war machines for the notorious Borgias? Why did he carry the Mona Lisa with him everywhere he went for decades, yet never quite finish it? Why did he...

As I wrote in my August 27th La Voce article, “Leonardo Da Vinci Still Making Headlines” Leonardo was born in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci on April 15, 1452, the oldest illegitimate son of a promiscuous wealthy notary and a peasant.He died at 67 on May 2, 1519 near Amboise in France where he’d lived his last three years as a guest of the French Ki...

Leonardo da Vinci is know for his spectacular inventions, including a mechanical submarine, a time machine, a mechanical dragonfly, Milan’s flying machine… and many more: flying, hydraulic, military and musical machines; machines that could help people work and machines that could entertain them; printing presses, odometers, bow compasses, oil chan...

I’ve been fascinated by the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci for decades. He had one of the most innovative minds ever. Next year is the 500th anniversary of his death, and I thought I would share a short video about a project I’ve worked on that is helping to mark the occasion. The project is called the Codescope. It’s an interactive kiosk wi...

Her hair tightly pulled back with silk ribbon, her cheeks pale, and her lips bare, Countess Pace Rivola Spini appears awkward or overwhelmed by her extravagant dress, bulging with heavy, colorful silk panels, and cinched at the waist with a white bow. Giovanni Battista Moroni’s “Pace Rivola Spini” (circa 1573-75) reveals a noblewoman with a defiant...

When: Tuesday, February 12th 6:00pm- Where: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, 500 N Michigan Ave Suite 1450 - What: Presented on the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci, The second of a series of lectures at the Italian Cultural Institute by Professor Giovanni Aloi (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) Leonar...

Just Google, “10 greatest geniuses of all times,” and it is highly likely that two of the names on that list will be Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. Now, think about what you would do if you were put in charge of bringing their legacy into the 21st century, in all its complexity, as neither man can be reduced to one simple label, say “artist...

Tuesday, January 15th 6:00pm - Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, 500 N Michigan Ave Suite 1450, Chicago, IL. Presented on the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci. The first of a series of lectures at the Italian Cultural Institute by Professor Giovanni Aloi (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) Leonardo da Vi...

Inventor, artist, scientist, anatomist, engineer, architect, sculptor, philosopher. Although Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519, his influence has endured. His extraordinary legacy comes to life in the exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci: 500 Years of Genius," opening at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science on March 1, 2019. The exhibition is presented in D...