Discovery Park of America is bringing another world-class traveling exhibit to the park, all the way from Italy. The Da Vinci Machines and Robotics is set to open to the public on Sunday, Jan. 15 and is sure to amaze and delight visitors from near and far.   Polly Brasher, education director at the park said that she thinks this exhibit, "will be...

One of the world's greatest artists is coming to Phoenix. OK, not the artist himself, but one of his works. Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester will be on display at the Phoenix Art Museum starting on Saturday.   Jerry Smith is curator of American and European Art to 1950 and Art of the American West at Phoenix Art Museum. Leonardo da V...

Uno dei più straordinari tesori italiani, il "Codice sul Volo degli Uccelli" di Leonardo da Vinci, sarà esposto a Washington al National Air and Space Museum dello Smithsonian per 40 giorni, dal 13 settembre al 22 ottobre.   Questo straordinario documento, creato nel 1505 circa, mostra l'interesse di Leonardo per il volo dell'uomo attraverso...

By Jamie Wetherbe The mystery of "Mona Lisa's" real-life muse, which has spawned centuries of speculation, could be solved through DNA testing. Researchers on Friday opened a family tomb in Florence, Italy, to help confirm the identity of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo, Leonardo da Vinci's neighbor who is believed to be the woman behind the eni...

Is Leonardo da Vinci's "Head of a Young Woman" the greatest drawing ever made? Granted, that may sound like a presumptuous question. Yet both the drawing and its subject — an ethereal young beauty who might easily pass for the Mona Lisa's kid sister or one of the elf-maidens in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy — have had plenty of admirers over...

What happens when the objective (scientific) part of the mind intersects with the subjective (artistic) part? Bulent Atalay explores this fascinating question by probing the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein.   Each was a towering scientific figure, but Leonardo was a scientist doing art, and an artist doing scie...

Il 15 aprile 1452, nasceva Leonardo da Vinci. Ma se foste convinti che in realtà Leonardo venisse dal futuro, sareste giustificati. L'artista e scienziato toscano è probabilmente la persona più geniale mai esistita sulla Terra: in ogni campo in cui si è cimentato, dalla pittura alla scienza, dall'anatomia all'architettura, era anni se non secoli av...

Those who share a passion for Italy and the Italian language cannot miss the "Being Leonardo Da Vinci" Performance on Thursday, December 17, 2015, from 6:30 pm at the ACT Strand Theater (1127 Market St. San Francisco). Italian director and actor, Massimiliano Finazzer Flory will bring Leonardo da Vinci to life again on stage in a one-act, 60 minute...

A New York lo si era già visto nei panni di un Marinetti provocatore e affabulatore. Ora torna con un Leonardo da Vinci che, in lingua rinascimentale, si fa intervistare da artisti e scienziati. Il milanese Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, regista, attore e drammaturgo sembra avere una passione per quelle intersezioni tra arte, scienza, tecnica e indus...

Planning a trip this summer to Disneyland? Add another day to your itinerary to see the new "Da Vinci: The Genius" exhibition at the Discovery Science Center right down the road in Santa Ana, Calif. The exhibit demonstrates the full scope of Leonardo Da Vinci's remarkable genius as an inventor, artist, anatomist, sculptor, engineer, musician and ar...