Benvenuto San Diego e ben tornato! Welcome San Diego and welcome back to the L'Italo-Americano Italian Community section where we are particularly excited to have your dedicated section back in print. Community is a vital and important value to Italians. With the addition of San Diego, the Golden State is now complete with the trifecta of major ci...

Sarà proiettato all'Italian American Museum il 21 novembre Where her Feet Stood (Dove Posarono i Suoi Piedi), film documentario di Luca Guardabascio.Il 4 giugno 1947 a Casanova Staffora, villaggio rurale della provincia di Pavia, Angela Volpini (7 anni) incontra una signora mentre si trovava su una collina con suoi amici. La bella signora dice ad A...

Se si viene a New York, ci si accorge che il mondo è davvero piccolo e che la presenza di italiani è davvero così massiccia, come si ha modo di leggere se si approfondisce l'argomento. Aziende italiane, turisti, italoamericani che seppure sia passato diverso tempo da quando i nonni approdarono negli USA, rimangono fedeli a quell'Italian Style lasci...

By James Fuller In person, Dennis Farina was the same as he appeared on TV and in movies: a "neighborhood guy" who embodied both Chicago and Italian, according to a local entrepreneur who knew him and now intends to honor him with a six-figure tribute.   Ron Onesti said he was crushed when he learned of Farina's recent death from a blood cl...

Nationalism isn't out of place in Little Italy – the numerous Italian flags demonstrate the area's pride – but residents and visitors have one more way to celebrate Italian culture starting this week.   The 2014 World Cup begins Thursday and anticipation is in the air. Local business Topsi Turvi has a full display of Italian soccer apparel i...

The 88th Annual Feast of San Gennaro, New York City's longest-running, biggest and most revered religious outdoor festival, will take place for 11 days starting Thursday, September 11 and continuing through Sunday, September 21, 2014, it was announced today by Joseph Mattone, President of Figli di San Gennaro (Children of San Gennaro), the not-for-...

Little Italy Fest-West will once again bring the Old Neighborhood to west suburban Addison. Staged at Centennial Park on Lake Street at Rohlwing Road from Aug. 18 to 21, the event has been sponsored for the last 11 years by Onesti Entertainment. Many of the performers at this year's fest will come from around the country. "I really try to provide...

In the early 1900s, Hartford was a booming economic center. Italy, on the other hand, suffered both economically and socially. Hundreds of thousands of Italian men looked for unskilled work in other countries, with many eventually headed to the United States. Hartford's potential job opportunities attracted Italians and soon the city's number of im...

Manhattan's Little Italy is moving beyond its tourist-trap joints drenched in red sauce. Capri Ristorante, slated to open later this month at 145 Mulberry St., is the first stateside eatery from genuine Italian chef Franco Aliberti, who has appeared on cooking shows in his native country.   Capri comes on the heels of Aunt Jake's, a well-re...

Organized by the Society of Saint Anthony of Giovinazzo, Inc., the celebration will continue through Sunday, June 2nd. There will be a second procession on Saturday, June 1st at 7:00 PM.Most Precious Blood Church109 Mulberry Street, NYC (Between Broome and Spring St.)   Proceeds to benefit Most Precious Blood Church, Saint Jude Hospital, San...