By Ambarish Ganesh   Academy award winner Angelina Jolie has directed and produced the upcoming war drama film titled 'UNBROKEN' based on the 2010 non-fiction book by Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, scheduled for release on December 25, 2014.   A chronicle of the life of Louis...

Italian-Americans have enjoyed minimal films or television shows that highlight real life historical figures. You got your Rocky Balboa, Sopranos, and The Godfather as successful enterprises but those fictional story lines pale in comparison to "Unbroken."   The Angelina Jolie directed film tells the story of Lou Zamperini, a second-generat...

Angelina Jolie's second feature film as a director is a success. Unbroken, the story of real life Olympic hero and World War II star Louie Zamperini, isn't perfect. But it's a huge accomplishment that will attract a huge audience and lots of nominations.   Main actor Jack O'Connell becomes an overnight sensation. There will also be lots of l...

Sfatiamo un mito: "Angelina Jolie non è una superdiva". A dirlo è l'attore Vincenzo Amato (Nuovomondo), che insieme a Maddalena Ischiale, ha lavorato in Unbroken (nelle sale dal 29 gennaio), il secondo film da regista della signora Pitt.   "Angy – come la chiamano sul set – è una persona deliziosa, ha una grande passione per il suo lavoro e...

Louis Zamperini has been celebrated and honored by many, not only around the world but also especially in the Los Angeles community. His legacy will continue to live on through his books, his family, and his accomplishments.   As well known as he was and still is in the Italian-American community throughout the United States for being a livi...

By Donna Littlejohn   Only close family and friends — which included some lifelong acquaintances from Torrance along with Hollywood stars — were invited to attend Louis Zamperini's funeral Sunday at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. But the city of Torrance, where Zamperini grew up, is now planning its own send-off for the hometown hero....

A hometown memorial service was held tonight at Torrance High School for World War II hero and Olympic runner Louis Zamperini, who died July 2 at age 97.   The service at the school's stadium named for Zamperini included flyovers of military aircraft and a symbolic lap around by the track run by members of the school's track team.   R...

by Philip Caulfield   He was called "The Zamp" when he competed in the 5,000 meter run at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and broke the Nazi color code by sharing a room with Jesse Owens. He was hailed a war hero for surviving 47 days in the shark-infested Pacific Ocean after his bomber was shot down — and two more years in a brutal Japanes...