City of marble par excellence, Carrara has always found in the precious rock of the Apuan Alps its identifying mark, the element that historically distinguishes it in the national and international artistic panorama. Carrara also represents a reality strongly projected into the Future, characterized by skilled workers and advanced technology, full...

Design, like all sectors of the Economy, is struggling with the challenges posed by the Sustainability Paradigm, attempting to reduce its impact on the Environment. The green transition of furniture products is of particular importance; suffice it to say that in Europe alone, about ten million tons of furniture and household items become waste ever...

Angela Caputi represents a case of particular interest in the Italian Design scene, placing herself in an ideal terrain between Fashion and Art. The Florentine designer and entrepreneur in 1975 left teaching and devoted herself full-time to the creation of highly innovative craftsmanship, characterized by strong originality and extreme quality. Her...

On April 4, 2024, Gaetano Pesce passed away at his home in New York. The celebrated designer was born in La Spezia (Liguria) on November 8, 1939, and studied architecture at IUAV in Venice, at the time when personalities such as Carlo Scarpa, Franco Albini, Ernesto Nathan Rogers and Bruno Zevi were teaching there. In 1959, together with other young...

The interaction between Wineries and Design represents a trend of great topicality and extreme interest. More and more wineries, especially in recent years, have transformed their cellars into authentic works of Design. In this article we will consider a few Italian examples, having before us a panorama of dozens and dozens of fascinating ones. In...

The latest edition of CES, the Consumer Electronic Show, the world's most important trade show for the computer and consumer electronics industry, took place in Las Vegas, January 9-12, 2024. It is an event that has gradually become more prominent, evolving from a mere showcase for the latest and most curious electronic gadgets to a genuine driving...

Urban Design, that is, the activity of designing urban structures and settlements, is an extraordinarily topical and relevant issue. The scope of the topic appears to be intuitively evident: suffice it to say that, according to the most accredited international studies, by 2050 about 70 % of the world's population will live in cities. The quality o...

Christmas sees on the tables of Italians the triumph of two traditional desserts par excellence: Pandoro and Panettone. During the Festive season of 2022, according to research by Unione Italiana Food, the total production of the two leavened products amounted to 73,502 tons, worth 552.1 million €. Pandoro and Panettone also very popular abroad: th...

A Made in Italy of great significance is that concerning the production of Food Service Equipment, that is, machinery for professional kitchens and laboratories. This is an Italian excellence that we export all over the world and which sees our companies in a leading position internationally. Our country's Food Service Equipment turnover, according...

Aerospace represents a sector where there is a Made in Italy that is as important as it is little known. Our country in the field of aeronautics has a long-standing and established tradition. In 1903 the first flight of the Wright brothers took place, and already on January 13, 1909, the first Italian aircraft, built by Engineer Aristide Faccioli a...