WTI Magazine #33 2014 June, 4Author : Francesca Papasergi Translation by: The Italian national airline, Alitalia, was born in Rome in 1946 and, for a long time, it was one of the best airlines in the world. Its pilots and its elegant flight assistants are still considered an Italian excellence. What happened to that perfect machine?...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #27 2014 Apr, 25Author : Francesca Papasergi Translation by: "Parks and Recreation". "Person of Interest". "Orange is the New Black"."Community Services Are the New Prison Sentences". Wouldn't it be a nice title for a tv show? This is what it is going to be, by the way. A tv show.
READ MOREWTI Magazine #11 2014 Jan, 3Author : Francesca Papasergi Translation by: Politically speaking, Italy went through a lot in 2013. After the February general elections (elezioni politiche) the Five Stars Movement, born only five years ago, rised as the most voted Italian party. It didn't get the majority because of the election rul...