The reviews are in. The new special edition Poufman, made for the MLB Fan Cave by, is a home run. The italydesign design team worked with their producer in Italy to create a special edition of the Poufman footstool covered in red and white leather with baseball stitching at the seams. The design is a hit and fits perfectly in the un...

di Maurita Cardone   Si respirava aria di misteri italiani martedì sera al Mysterious bookshop di Warren street, Manhattan. Maurizio De Giovanni, lo scrittore napoletano che ha creato il personaggio del commissario Ricciardi, ha parlato del suo libro Blood Curse: The Springtime of Commissario Ricciardi, appena tradotto in inglese e pubblicat...

An episode about the art and craft of fine jewelry-making in Italy from the new documentary series, "Masters of Dreams," will be screening at New York University on October 4, 2013.   The screening, sponsored by the world renowned Italian jewelry houses Buccellati and Bulgari and The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce, will be directly follow...

Boys' & Girls' Towns of Italy (BGTI), a nonprofit that empowers war refugee, migrant and at-risk youth living on the streets, raised a recording breaking $1,095,150 at its 69th Annual Spring Ball on Monday, May 5 at The Pierre, New York.   BGTI honored Joseph J. Plumeri, former CEO of Willis Group Holdings, as Man of the Year and present...

Bauli, the leading creator of authentic Italian holiday cakes and pastries, is announcing its official launch in the United States, available at retailers, including: Fairway, Whole Foods and Duane Reade stores nationwide.   Bauli has been the confectionary leader in Italy for over 80 years and its line of products will introduce traditional...

With 2716 innovative new small companies registered, thw Italian startups ecosystem is growing fast. In this developing scenario young Italian entrepreneurs have to re-think about their strategies to get funds for their projects, even considering to surf toward new markets to boost their businesses.   For the new generation of businessmen th...

The statue, draped with a purple ribbon, money pinned along its edges, made its way down Fort Washington Avenue in New York City's Washington Heights neighborhood.   Its faceted crown caught the glint of the clear, early November sun, the air cool and crisp as leaves fell from the surrounding elms and maples, the entrance to Fort Tryon Park...

Saturday, february 28 - 7 pm ESTChrist & Saint Stephen's Church - 120 W 69th St, New York 10023Tickets: Music for Brunelleschi's Dome 7:00 PM, Lucia Baldacci, organistA native of Florence, Italy, Lucia Baldacci is the organist at the Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore – the Duomo – of Florence. At CSS she will offer a r...

Asked if she liked America, an Italian homeworker replied in 1911: "Not much, not much. In my country, people cook out-of doors, do the wash out-of-doors, tailor out-of-doors, make macaroni out-of-doors. And my people laugh, laugh all the time. In America, is "sopra, sopra!" [up, up, with a gesture of going upstairs]. Many people, one house; work,...

Il segno unico distintivo del made in Italy agroalimentare ('The extraordinary Italian taste') è un tassello fondamentale del piano per l'internazionalizzazione che Mipaaf e Ministero dello Sviluppo economico stanno attuando per sostenere l'export e rafforzare le azioni di contrasto all'Italian sounding, che prevede risorse pari a 260 milioni di eu...