In occasione di una settimana ricca di eventi dedicati all'italianità, le Marche sono state raccontate per le loro eccellenze e come territorio meno battuto dalle mete turistiche più tradizionali, affermandosi oltreoceano come esempio di una terra che non ha permesso che le cicatrici del recente sisma ne compromettessero la vitalità. Durante l'even...

Located in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, in the Marche region, the Gola del Furlo State Nature Reserve covers 3,600 hectares of woods, meadows, pristine peaks and fresh water. Established in 2001, it is crossed by the Candigliano river, which creeps into the rocky cliffs of the Gola (gorge), creating a landscape of great charm.

Tutti i bambini della scuola Montessori di Macerata in fila per dare il benvenuto a Joan Marchi Migliori, italoamericana che ha consegnato 10mila dollari all’istituto di via Don Bosco. All’arrivo della donna, originaria di Lucca, hanno cantato gli inni nazionali dell’Italia e degli U.S.A. sventolando le bandierine dei due paesi legati da una fortis...

The Marche, tucked behind the knee of the Italian boot, is enviably graced with a sweep of Adriatic coastline and a sheltering ridge of inland peaks. East-west river valleys channel cool sea air over plains and up into rolling Apennine foothills. Altitude, exposition and soil type angle and shift as you move inland, giving rise to an impressive arr...

The Palio della Rocca is a historical re-enactment founded in 1987 in the municipality of Serra Sant'Abbondio in the Marche region. The event covers many cultural, tourist, religious and social meanings. The central point is the challenge that takes place on the second Sunday of September between the 3 ancient villages and 3 ancient castles, which...

For Diego Della Valle, the 63-year-old billionaire owner of Italian luxury leather and apparel giant Tod's Group, style has always trumped fashion. Considering the success Tod's has had since its formation in 1978, Della Valle has a point.

The Quintana Horse Race is a competition among six knights, each one representing a local district. During the race, the knight must use a spear and ride a horse on a 8 shape route to hit the “moro” in the middle. Each assault corresponds to a certain score. The knight has to make 3 assaults in a row for each turn (named “tornata”). There are 3 tur...

Le relazioni economico commerciali tra Marche e Stati Uniti al centro dell'incontro tenuto nella sede regionale organizzato dalla Camera di Commercio americana in Italia AmCham Italy in collaborazione con tutte le Camere di Commercio e le Associazioni di Categoria delle Marche. Nel corso dell’ iniziativa è stata nominata la nuova rappresentante loc...

The St. Kateri Squires Circle #5177 from Sparta have built a strong legacy of helping the needy in our area. In recent months, that effort has extended all the way to Norcia, Italy. In October of last year, St. Kateri Knight and Squires Chief Counselor Nick Cutrone and his wife Mary traveled to Italy on a religious tour. On that trip, they visited...

Immersed within the gently-rolling hills of The Marches, amidst the Metauro and Foglia Valleys lies Urbino, a city rich in history and art. It is so easy to lose oneself in this jewel of a city, walking its streets and sidestreets with your eyes geared up toward its magnificent palazzi. Surrounded by an expansive city (brick and sandstone) wall, U...