Bernardino "Vlardino" Cardines era un italo-americano originario di Venafro: morì in Francia nel 1918 nel corso della prima guerra mondiale, combattendo per la bandiera a stelle e strisce. Per rendergli onore, oggi un gruppo di U.S. Marine Corps e il Console per la Sicurezza Bracken Murphy hanno partecipato a una cerimonia al Comune di Venafro e ha...

  We all know Tuscany, Umbria and Sicily -- but ever heard of Molise? The door to Italy's deep south -- though paradoxically dubbed its "Wild West" -- Molise is the least-known region in Italy, even among Italians. A land of wolves, wild boars and ghost towns -- sacked in the past by pirates and brigands -- it offers untouched landscapes and hearty...

The recovery in southern Italy is continuing, driven by business. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.9% in 2016, after +1% in 2015: moderate growth that should continue also in the first part of 2017. And it is industry in the strict sense which is fueling this trend: its value added rose in 2016 by 3.4%: two points higher than the Italian average...

A decade ago, I would never have said much about wines from Abruzzo or Molise, except for those from a handful of producers. And even in those few cases, save for Valentini (first without equals), I wouldn’t have done so in the generally glowing terms I use today. For Abruzzo’s and Molise’s white wines were generally neutral and oxidized quickly, w...

Industry is the driving force behind the slow economic recovery in the South of Italy, a study by the Svimez think tank shows. The new figures relative to 2016 show that private investments are playing a decisive role in the consolidation of the growth path begun in 2015 (that in any case remains weak), driven by industry in the strict sense. With...

“I’m Staying in the South” looks set to be the name of the new incentive to encourage entrepreneurship among young people who decide to not leave the South of Italy, where youth unemployment is a record highs. The norm under study would merge with the so-called “Decree for the South” that the government is preparing to help boose the economy in thi...

Quando il figliolo di un compaesano divenne medico, per la Comunità italo-americana degli Usa ciò fu motivo di enorme orgoglio; ma soprattutto più tardi, quando – in grazia della sua bravura – quel giovane professionista molisano divenne un punto di riferimento della cittadina di Buffalo e, poi, dell’intera Contea. Nicola Rocco De Dominicis (di Vas...

The little known province of Molise, between Puglia and Abruzzo is far off the beaten track. There are no foreign tourists here – so no one speaks English, a fantastic opportunity to practise Italian! There are many family small-holdings producing fantastic quality produce. One of my favourites is Caseificio Di Nucci, Agnone, Alto Molise  In 1662 L...

Francesco Mastroianni da “ragazzo d’acqua” a Banchiere. Francesco Paolo Mastroianni nacque a San Pietro Avellana (oggi provincia di Isernia), il 24 luglio del 1877, da Antonio Pasquale (n. a San Pietro Avellana il 1850) “muratore” e Anna Maria Izzi (n. a Vastogirardi il 1850). Francesco arrivò negli Stati Uniti quando aveva solo 10 anni e da subito...

Ettore Luigi Aristide Moffa nacque a Riccia (CB) , il 20 dicembre del 1883, da Donato (“maestro elementare) e Teresina Massimo (“attendente a casa”). Facilitato dagli insegnamenti paterni acquisì, sin da piccolissimo e ben prima dei suoi coetanei, la capacità di “leggere e scrivere”. Capacità che affinò, ogni giorno di più, e che gli consentì, anni...