Here's a stunning bar and trattoria with Old World bronze-trimmed elegance that outclasses its East Village location. It's the work of the Church Group, which creates themed bars, several in the same neighborhood. Nearby, the group's Kingston Hall is Jamaican, Shoolbred's is as Scottish as its hot toddies, and Ninth Ward, which is closed temporaril...

VERPLANCK, N.Y. - Verplanck's traditional Italian Feast, a 90-year-old summer staple, will take over Highland Avenue and 8th Street through Sunday.Starting today, the festival opens each night at 6 p.m. and includes rides, games, live music and Italian-American food."It's unique; it's one of the oldest-running feasts in New York. People come back e...

For Italian-Americans, it was the moment when the meatballs got big.We speak of the 1950s, when at least some of the thousands of immigrants who had poured into New York City from impoverished regions of Italy finally began to see the postwar fruits of their sacrifice. Prosperity was within reach, and they expected their meal at the neighborhood re...

di Piero Armenti   La Pizzeria San Matteo, nel cuore dell'Upper East Side, rappresenta un motivo d'orgoglio per la città di Salerno. Lontano dalle sponde del Mediterraneo, i suoi guru culinari, i fratelli fondatori Ciro e Fabio Casella, sono riusciti in un'impresa importante: ricreare qualcosa della piccola città capofila della costiera amal...

The Schuyler County Italian-American Festival returns for its 34th consecutive year this weekend at Clute Park in Watkins Glen.   Carnival rides and games, music, marching bands, skate park stunts, a huge variety of food, a pasta-eating contest and a motorcycle show all are part of this year's event. New this year: entertainment on Friday by...

Food including a pig roast from six restaurants and caterers, family fun, cultural activities and continuous live music highlight the eighth annual Schenectady Little Italy StreetFest from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, in Schenectady's Little Italy (North Jay Street).   Singer/actor/winemaker Gianni Russo of "The Godfather" fame will mak...

By Riccardo Chioni Presso la sede della Columbus Citizens Foundation nella Upper East Side si è svolta giovedì la cerimonia organizzata da Puglia Center of America per la premiazione delle eccellenze professionali pugliesi in America, alla presenza dell'on. Fucsia Nissoli eletta al parlamento nel Centro e Nord America.Ha fatto gli onori di casa il...

A major exhibition of Italian paintings will open at the 22 East 80th Street gallery of Otto Naumann Ltd. on January 6 and remain on view until February 15. "LOOKING SOUTH: Three Centuries of Italian Paintings" will feature more than forty Renaissance and Baroque masterworks dating from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, including seve...

di Stefano Vaccara   Il 27 gennaio, da sette anni, chi scrive si reca insieme a tanti altri italiani davanti alla sede del Consolato Generale di Park Avenue per leggere i nomi degli ebrei italiani trucidati nei campi di concentramento nazisti. La giornata della memoria, qui a New York, diventa quindi una cerimonia particolare perché, davanti...

Kitty Genovese's screams for help couldn't save her on the night she was murdered outside her apartment in 1964. Fifty years later, those screams still echo, a symbol of urban breakdown and city dwellers' seeming callousness toward their neighbors. The case "caught the spirit of the time," said Thomas Reppetto, a police historian. "It seemed t...