The Italian American Cultural Club mapped out plans for various events when members gathered for the April business meeting and dinner held at Scaffidi’s Restaurant and Tavern in Steubenville. A lasagna and roast lamb meal was part of the club’s celebration of “Buona Pasquetta” — Easter Monday or “Little Easter” — a day that, in Italy, represents a...

Columbus staple Spaghetti Warehouse has found a new home in downtown Columbus after a year-long hiatus. The Italian restaurant's new location will be at 150 S. High St. near the Columbus Commons and is expected to open in fall 2023, according to a news release. A roof collapse in 2022 forced the restaurant's legacy location on W. Broad Street to cl...

The XLII Italian Superbowl was announced by American Consul General Ragini Gupta at the U.S. Consulate in Florence, along with Deputy Mayor of the City of Florence Alessia Bettini, Mayor of Toledo (Ohio, USA) Wade Kapszukiewicz, Italian Federation of American Football (Fidaf) Federal Councilor Manfredi Leone, to Nick Eyde of GEYDE Development, Edoa...

It's a quiet Monday evening in Cleveland's Little Italy, and snowflakes are falling at the corner of Mayfield and Murray Hill roads. Parking spaces that are normally difficult to come by in this ethnic enclave of the city are more available as the vibrant neighborhood recovers from a lively weekend. A woman's operatic ballad pierces the stillness,...

Rocco Castellano came back to the Cincinnati area in 2022 after 14 years out West, building his brand and his business to help others get relief from pain. “I thought it would be a good place to come back to because I still know many people here,” said the New Jersey native. “I consider Cincinnati more my home than New Jersey or New York. It’s give...

Eatly, an Italian restaurant in the Wittenberg University neighborhood in Springfield, is reopening Friday, April 21, with new additions, including an after-hours botanical lounge. Owner Tom Thompson opened the restaurant at 601 N. Fountain Ave. in July 2021. The restaurant's name, Eatly, is a play on the country name of Italy and his family's root...

The creative minds behind Marion's newest Italian restaurant are making steady progress toward its planned opening around the end of April. Bucci's Italian Scratch Kitchen is located in the former home of The Warehouse Italian Dinners at 320 W. Center St. in downtown Marion. That familiar locale in the city's downtown district will also house Urban...

This Sunday, as it has most every Palm Sunday during the past century or so, Sacred Heart Church's meatball and ravioli-themed Original Italian Dinner will take place in Camp Washington. And like last year, the event, which dates back to 1911 and serves as a fundraiser for the church, will be carryout only. The biannual dinner, which is also offere...

In 1931, the Order of the Sons of Italy’s Cincinnatus Lodge received the gift of a lifetime: an exact replica of the Capitoline Wolf Statue in Rome. Two years earlier, when preparing for the 1931 Bicentennial Ohio State Convention, they had heard of a copy being made for Rome, Georgia. Boasting the name of a prominent Roman general, they thought Ci...

Lola and Luca Sema’s latest restaurant venture is a homecoming of sorts. The couple – who own Luca Italian Cuisine, Luca West and Acqua di Luca – have bought the former Osteria di Valerio e Al downtown. They hope to open a new restaurant in late summer / early fall.