The Palm Springs ShortFest is the largest and one of the most prestigious short film events in North America, populated with hundreds of talented young filmmakers from all over the world. Italian participation is represented by the short movies: The Nightshift Belongs to the Stars, directed by Edoardo Ponti (the film won Best Short at the Rome Film...

Jerry Vale, the popular Italian-American velvet-voiced crooner, has died at his California home. He was 83.   Vale, who had been in declining health, died Sunday at his Palm Desert house surrounded by family and friends, family attorney Harold J. Levy said in a statement.   Read more   Source:  ...

by Silvia Simonetti   Located in the heart of the desert, the city of Palm Springs was all but deserted during the last week. Indeed, a great number of cinema lovers and professionals gathered there January 3 through 14 for the 2014 Palm Springs International Film Festival, to enjoy some of the best movies of the year 2013 and to attend...

Since the Real Italian Deli opened just under a year ago in Palm Desert, the deli-store combination has dished out traditional Italian sandwiches and desserts, and kept the shelves stocked with house-cured and imported deli meats, olive oils, fresh and frozen pastas and vinegars that could rival any New York City deli.   "I want to bring the...