Though the numbers of those of Italian heritage in this city have diminished greatly since the arrival of the first immigrants arrival to this city, Italian pride continues to burn brightly every October as Italian Americans here celebrate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. This Sunday, Oct. 13, Philadelphia and Delaware...

Little Nonna's was barely three nights old when chef and co-owner Marcie Turney - her kitchen crew already digging deep into their "gravy pot" - realized just how deceptive her challenge was.   The adorable little storefront space, trimmed with an old-time striped awning and lace curtains, certainly looks manageable enough, the open kitchen...

In the beginning, Brigantessa was going to be all about pizza. Of course. What new moneymaking restaurant ambition in Philly these days does not begin with a wood-fired oven and a peel-ful of molten mozzarella dreams?   And given chef Joe Cicala's stellar track record at Le Virtù, it's worth paying attention to what emerges from the flaming...

By Niccolò Graffio"The City of Brotherly Love" began as a settlement founded by William Penn in 1682. The previous year, Penn had received a charter from King Charles II of England to establish what would eventually become the Pennsylvania Colony.   Penn, a Quaker, had experienced religious persecution in England and was desirous of founding...

Nel 2013, mentre si celebra l'Anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti, Globus et Locus, insieme al Center for Italian Studies della University of Pennsylvania, il Consolato italiano a Philadelphia e AISLLI (Associazione Internazionale per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana), organizza un Convegno internazionale dal titolo "Italicity....

by Danya Henninger   In 1920, Salvatore Marra left his hometown of Naples in search of a better life. He landed in San Francisco and then moved to Chicago, where he opened a pizzeria and became friends with Al Capone. After a few years, he moved to Philadelphia, and was joined by his wife, Chiarina.   The couple set out to launch anot...

The Consul General has the honor and pleasure to invite the Teachers of Italian in the Greater Philadelphia area to attend a workshop at the Consulate General of Italy, located at 150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 106 on Wednesday March 19th at 3:00 PM.   Letter to Teachers   Source:  ...

Si comunica che in data odierna è stato affisso all'Albo di questo Consolato Generale l'avviso di assunzione di un (1) impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di assistente amministrativo nel settore consolare. Il testo completo dell'avviso è disponibile sul nostro sito web all'indirizzo, nell'apposito menu...

Marc Cappelletti is a Philadelphia writer. A light snow is falling on the green awnings of Philadelphia's Ninth Street Market. It's a fleeting snow, melting almost as soon as it lands. Still, I marvel. It brings to mind the snow that fell in my grandfather's stories of his emigration from Italy to America, where he landed 85 years ago. &...