By Mike Jensen On Monday, the box came down from the top shelf in the basement archives of La Salle's University's College Hall. Brother Joseph Grabenstein, La Salle University's archivist, had been filling the box for years. Out came gold shorts that looked more like modern swim trunks. A game jersey with 15 on the front and back. A plain gray s...

October 24 @ 7:30 pm - Philadelphia (PA), String Theory School Theater 16th and Vine Streets AZA'IO was the 11th world premiere and 1st Italian children's opera created by International Opera Theater in Teatro degli Avvaloranti, Citta' della Pieve in August of 2014. In the past 12 years, artists from more than 40 countries have come to Citta'...

Lo chef ricercatore Luca Zanchetti è stato scelto ed ingaggiato dalla dirigenza dei locali "Girasole" di Philadelfia e Atlantic City come chef promotore di cultura enogastronomica, in questo anno 2013 dedicato proprio alla cultura italiana in USA. Nel corso dell'anno 2013, in tutti gli stati americani, i due paesi, Italia & Usa, come in una so...

The recent public debate over whether to rename South Philadelphia's Italian Market has largely missed the point. There seems to be some confusion over what the name of the historic Ninth Street corridor of shops, restaurants, and curbside vendors means to Philadelphians who coined the moniker.

Si è svolto nei giorni scorsi a Noto un convegno nell'ambito delle celebrazioni del 70° Anniversario dello sbarco alleato in Sicilia, esattamente il 7 luglio 1943.   L'iniziativa, promossa dalle associazioni Globe Italia International, Giovani Siciliani nel Mondo, Associazione Amici della Città di Noto di Milano, Rotary Club di Noto, ASU - A...

Enzo Centofanti: 1923-2013 - Alle 3.30 di lunedí 22 aprile, si é spento all'ospedale di Filadelfia Enzo Centofanti, per causa di arresto cardiaco. Doveva compiere 90 anni.

Radnor Studio 21 General Manager, George Strimel makes room in the weekly line up for a new show focused on Italians and Italian Americans. Ciao Bella Living Italian Style will share heritage, culture, traditions and foods highlighting local and regional people, companies and nonprofits. The new show will premiere 7 pm Sunday, May 3 and then repeat...

An international interdisciplinary conference on "The Myth of the Great War - World War I: Myth and Reality" will be hosted in Philadelphia by the Center for Italian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, April 24-25, 2014, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I.   The conference is organized by Fabio Finotti, Christine Pogg...

Saturday, October 24, 10-12 AM in EDT, 1026 Public Ledger Building – 150 South Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Tickets:   Sei italiano? Parli italiano? Hai fra i 5 e i 12 anni? Sabato 24 ottobre, alle ore 10.00 ti aspettiamo, accompagnato da un genitore, presso il Consolato Italiano di...

"18 Ius Soli" a 2012 Award-winning grassroots Italian documentary by Fred Kuwornu about the issues of immigration and citizenship in modern Italy. In interviews with 18 young men and women, it illustrates the plight of 1.000.000 young people born and raised in Italy but unable to acquire an Italian citizenship, because their parents are immigrants....