One reason Sicilians tend to identify with Sicily first and Italy (a distant) second? Sicilian food. The same goes for Veneto in the north or Puglia in the south. Italy is a young country -- it only celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2011. Despite the successful export of the "Italian restaurant," the idea of a unified Italian cuis...
READ MOREUsed, as we are, to study the impact that the American consumer society had on we Italians here in Italy, it is interesting to understand how it influenced our compatriots who had emigrated there in America, and whether and how they have in turn played a role in it. To do so, we are meeting Prof. Simone Cinotto, author of a very interesting book t...
READ MOREItaly's top cities for sustainable living are Verbania, Trento and Belluno, said Italian environmental organization Legambiente in its report 'Urban Ecosystem', ranking 104 Italian cities on their environmental sustainability. The report gave an overall picture of static cities that are having difficulty establishing themselves in terms of sus...
READ MOREdi Riccardo Chioni Il Piemonte è sbarcato nella Big Apple per una due giorni in cui si sono svolte alcune iniziative: la prima lunedì ha interessato gli agenti di viaggio con proposte turistiche durante un evento alla Birreria di Eataly e l'altra ieri, presso la sede dell'Ice, dove la Regione ha illustrato le possibilità di investimenti ag...
READ MORELiving nativity scenes and pageants, in Italian "presepi viventi", are quite common in Italy. Living nativity scenes are usually presented for several days, thanks to the fact that many people in Italy enjoy wearing a costume and act out the parts of the nativity. Considering that in many parts of Italy living nativity scenes have become a...
READ MOREA 15th-century Italian manuscript illustrated with gold leaf that was stolen from Italy 25 years ago will be returned to that country after it was found in Florida. The manuscript is a framed, single page taken from a prayer book in Turin, Italy. The calligraphic script is in Latin, and there's a small, colorful portrait of Saint Lawrence,...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #45 2014 October, 15Author : Jennifer Gentile Martin Translation by: One of the best meetings I had while in Piedmont was my private tour of the Ascheri winery in Bra, Italy. I was fortunate enough to have it organized for me through Martignetti's due to my work with the distributor. I entered behind the gates that day l...
READ MORELa moka compie 80 anni e viene festeggiata a Omegna, la città sul lago d'Orta dov'è nata nel 1933 la caffettiera ottagonale ideata da Alfonso Bialetti, che si ispirò osservando le donne mentre lavavano i panni sulla riva del lago utilizzando la lisciva che, bollendo, saliva da un contenitore verso l'alto, dove c'erano i panni. Il figlio Renato nel...
READ MOREAnche in North Carolina esiste una "piccola" Little Italy. Il suo nome è Valdese ed è stata fondata nel 1893 da un gruppo di valdesi arrivati nelle Blue Ridge Mountains dalle valli piemontesi, in particolare dalla Val Pellice. In seguito all'editto di emancipazione emanato da Carlo Alberto nel 1848, le comunità valdesi ebbero la necessità di cerca...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #65 2015 July, 24Author : Translation by: Located on the Via Francigena, a place of transit for travelers and pilgrims headed to Santiago de Compostela, the community of Alpignano chose probably since the High Middle Ages Saint Giacomo Maggiore as its patron saint, dedicating to him the old little chapel once...