When Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD79 it destroyed the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, their inhabitants and their prized possessions – among them a fine library of scrolls that were carbonised by the searing heat of ash and gas. But scientists say there may still be hope that the fragile documents can once more be read thanks to an innovative appr...

The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute cordially invite you to a workshop: An Hour in Space with Italians at NASA. Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM. Embassy of Italy, 3000 Whitehaven Street NW. Washington, DC 20008. Doors open at 5:30 PM. MORE INFO & RSVP Join us for an exciting one-hour space mission with our panelists: Veronic...

Italy is set to register its first-ever drop in the number of new cancer cases this year, the Italian Association of Medical Oncology said in a report on Tuesday. It said it expects there to be 371,000 new cases in 2019, 2,000 fewer than in 2018. The report said that over one million people in Italy have fully recovered after being diagnosed with c...

The “Lovers of Modena”, a pair of skeletons so called because they were buried hand-in-hand, were both men, researchers have found. The bones, from between the 4th and 6th century AD, were found in a cemetery in 2009 near Modena in northern Italy. Due to the poor state of the remains, it was not possible to establish the sex of the couple, despite...

A late-archaic stone head has been found in the Temple of Athena at the ancient Greek site of Paestum near Salerno, archaeologists said Thursday. It appears to have been made out of the same material that some of the decorative elements of the temple were made out of, they said. Paestum was a major ancient Greek city on the coast of the Tyrrhenian...

Un valdagnese alla guida del dipartimento di medicina di Harvard. Non è un sogno, ma una bella realtà che porta la firma di Maurizio Fava. Un’eccellenza che affonda le radici nella città laniera con gli studi al ginnasio del liceo “Trissino” e la passione per il basket nata con la “Virtus Valdagno”. A 63 anni, dopo una carriera costellata di succes...

Una nuova tecnica chirurgica robotica è stata applicata con successo all’Ospedale Civile di Baggiovara dall’equipe del prof. Fabrizio Di Benedetto, direttore della Chirurgia Epato-Bilio-Pancreatica e dei Trapianti di Fegato dell’Azienda Ospedaliero – Universitaria di Modena, col supporto anestesiologico dell’equipe di Anestesia e Rianimazione dell’...

Traces of possible Byzantine coins have been found on the Holy Shroud of Turin pushing back a 1988 carbon dating of the relic to the fourteenth century, according to Padua university and US researchers in a new study published in the Journal of Cultural Heritage. The date-changing discovery was presented at the Conference on the Holy Shroud in Cana...

"Dai monopattini elettrici ai razzi: il futuro della mobilità alternativa": è questo il tema del convegno che si terrà il 10 ottobre prossimo a Los Angeles nella sede dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura. L’evento rientra nell’ambito delle iniziative organizzate da MEET Italy, associazione che si pone come luogo di incontro della comunità italoamerica...

La pizza con le fette d’ananas o la pasta condita con il ketchup saranno anche sacrilegi gastronomici, ma una cosa è certa: la cucina italiana è quella che esercita la maggiore influenza sulle tavole di tutto il mondo. A calcolarlo è ora uno studio pubblicato sul Journal of cultural economics, con una originale classifica che analizza le abitudini...