Ten shorts by the Sicilian documentary filmmaker Vittorio De Seta will be made available on the Criterion Channel, January 28. In recognition of 30 years since Martin Scorsese founded the Film Foundation, an organization dedicated to preserving cinema, Criterion Channel is releasing a number of films that have been saved and restored thanks to this...

Dalla Terra Winery Direct® announced today that Vigne Surrau has joined its group of family-owned Italian estates, making it the first Sardinian winery to be added to the company’s import portfolio since being founded in 1990. Established in 2004 by the Demuro family, Surrau is located just fifteen minutes from the stunning Costa Smeralda in the no...

Sailko is the pseudonym of Francesco Bini, photographer but not only. He is a voracious and incessant photographer, who portrays all the beauty that appears in front of him on his path and then transforms it. Each photo becomes part of large thematic constellations, real museums of images linked by common themes, subjects, time frames. The driving...

The state-owned forest of Marganai covers an area of 9.020 acres, in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias; this forest can be actually found within the Monte Linas-Marganai Park (55.000 acres), in the territories of Domusnovas, Fluminimaggiore, Gonnosfanadiga, Iglesias, and Villacidro. Mount Marganai area is north-east of the park and borders with Mou...

The second biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea after Sicily, Sardinia is a tourist destination during the summer months for its breath-taking beaches, however, the winter months shouldn’t be overlooked: warm weather thanks to the Mediterranean climate, the tourists are gone, and delicious season cuisine you can only taste during winter. A Coral...

Sadali is located in the Barbagia di Seulo at about 750 meters above sea level, on the edge of the homonymous plateau. The region, mostly mountainous, is defined "island within an island" for the peculiarity of its landscapes that draw a world apart, wild and alienating. In the village, narrow cobbled streets overlooked by ancient houses, suddenly...

Also called ‘spianata’ locally, pane modde is widespread in Logudoro and Barbagia. A traditional recipe to rediscover – either on its own or filled with typical island food. From the food and wine tastings to exploring traditional Sardinian culture, autumn is the best season for trying out the flavors of Barbagia. Digging into the annals of Sardini...

What do you get when you combine an expert Italian language and culture program with authentic Italian settings, cuisine and an avid passion for bringing like-minded people together for authentic experiences? The Serata Italiana initiative, brainchild of Alessandro Concas Sr., husband/business partner of renowned pianist and entrepreneur Oksana® Ko...

“Italy’s Leading Hotel Group 2020”, “Europe’s Leading Green Resort 2020” and “Italy’s Leading Green Resort 2020”at the Resort Valle dell'Erica Thalasso & SPA, “Italy’s Leading Beach Resort” at the Resort & SPA Le Dune: these are the four prizes awarded to Delphina hotels & resorts during the award ceremony at the World Travel Awards 2020 last Novem...

The artichoke is a vegetable native to the Mediterranean basin and the first evidence of its consumption as food dates back to the Egyptian and Greek civilisations. In the fourth century BC, Theophrastus mentions it in his history of plants. It was also cultivated in the Roman period, as noted by the historians Pliny and Columella. Over the followi...