Era dal 1982, dai tempi di Sandro Pertini, che un Presidente della Repubblica non metteva piede nella West Coast degli Stati Uniti, la parte più remota e più giovane del nuovo continente. Sergio Martarella arriva a San Francisco da Washington insieme a sua figlia, che lo accompagna quasi sempre nelle occasioni ufficiali, e il ministro per l’Innova...
READ MOREAn Italy-United States Innovation Forum will be held in California at Stanford University on October 18, 2019. The event is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and by the Italian Trade Agency with the support of Confindustria, and in collaboration with the Schools of Materials Science and Engineering and Medic...
READ MOREWashington, 14 ottobre 2019. In occasione del Columbus Day l’Ambasciatore d’Italia Armando Varricchio partecipa alla cerimonia di deposizione di una corona di fiori al monumento dedicato a Cristoforo Colombo nella piazza antistante Union Station a Washington DC. Erano presenti anche l’Ambasciatore di Spagna Santiago Cabanas e la Vice Presidente del...
READ MOREIn occasione della visita ufficiale negli Stati Uniti del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella, Confindustria e ICE Agenzia organizzano – sotto l’egida del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale – la partecipazione di una delegazione italiana impegnata nell’ambito di progetti innovativi e processi di innovazione...
READ MOREU.S. President Donald Trump will host Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the White House on Oct. 16, the White House said on Friday. The two leaders will "celebrate the strong and enduring historical ties between the United States and Italy, which underpin our bilateral relationship," the White House said. The Italian president plays a mainly c...
READ MORESecretary Michael R. Pompeo will travel to Rome and Abruzzo, Italy, October 1-3, where he will meet with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio to discuss the importance of Transatlantic unity and our strong and enduring bilateral relationship. The Secretary will also travel to his an...
READ MOREFollowing Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte's resignation, Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Wednesday began talks aimed at resolving the political crisis. But what happens now? Conte handed in his resignation after lashing out at far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. Conte accused the Interior Minister of pursuing his own interests by pulli...
READ MOREOn the occasion of the 243rd anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, I take the opportunity to send you my best wishes and those of the people of Italy. The shared values and principles of liberty, peace, democracy and equality constitute the precious heritage of the longstanding and fruitful friendship between our two countries, which is r...
READ MOREAn uproar about the hyper-connectivity on social networks where you continually communicate what you think, with a call to "be respectful of each other", rejecting "the resentment, the insult, the intolerance, which create hostility and fear". More than an invitation to protect the Third sector ("Avoidance" taxes on goodness "), without avoiding an...
READ MORE“Sono davvero lieto di poter inviare, attraverso le telecamere di “L’Italia con voi”, un saluto caloroso a tutti gli Italiani e agli amici dell’Italia che, in ogni parte del mondo, attraverso “Rai Italia” hanno la possibilità di rafforzare il legame con la vita della nostra Patria; e con la nostra, bellissima, lingua italiana”. inizia così il video...