Il Telamone del Tempio di Zeus tornerà presto in piedi. La scultura è una delle più celebri della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento e, al momento, si trova “distesa” tra le rovine. La direzione del Parco Archeologico ha completato la procedura per l’aggiudicazione dei lavori di restauro. Il progetto prevede, oltre al ripristino dell’opera, anche la mus...

Italy pays tribute to Andrea Camilleri, one of Italy's most acclaimed authors, with a special screening of a film starring the great Sicilian writer, one year after his death in Rome. Conversazione su Tiresia, filmed at the Teatro Greco in Siracusa on 11 June 2018, will be screened in national theatres across Italy on Friday 17 July, the first anni...

The story of Italian Masters begins in the southern Italian town of Agrigento on the island of Sicily during the early 1900’s. It was here that a talented young artist with a keen eye for color and a strong desire to learn offered his services as an apprentice to master painters Giuseppe and Vincenzo Guadanga. Under the tutelage of these revered an...

The author opens his book with a quote from Winston Churchill writing about the Balkans, ‘They produce more history than they can consume,’ underlining the problems facing any writer trying to bottle the essence of Sicily. He cites beauty, conflict, civilisation and chaos as being the four ingredients that define the island. He has split his book i...

Of the two of us, Suzanne is the better poet, but she writes for herself, to express her own thoughts and not for general consumption; perhaps one of the best motivations for writing poetry. I am somewhat more incontinent in my efforts and less gifted. Recently, I have been reading up on the Sicilian School of poetry, headed up by Giacomo da Lentin...

The Valley of the Temples in Agrigento is the first archaeological park to obtain an official ‘Covid-free’ certification. “We expect the certification to be a great boost for international tourism; we have developed so many measures to guarantee the safety of visitors and staff that we were the first to receive an official virus-free certification,...

Il prossimo 10 luglio alle 18.30 nell’anfiteatro del Museo dello sbarco all’interno del polo culturale “le Ciminiere” di Catania verrà presentato il volume “L’Immacolata segreta del ’43. Il misterioso viaggio di Roosevelt a Castelvetrano” di Maurizio Tosco, pubblicato da 21 editore (Palermo). L’Autore dialogherà con l’architetto Salvatore Maltese,...

Siete a Palermo, il caldo arabo è soffocante e si riflette nei toni dorati di tufo della Cattedrale emanando rifrazioni distorte d’aria. Vi smuovete come anguille nella calca e nei rumori del centro storico fino a sgusciare nel magma ribollente di colori e profumi del Mercato del Capo… Odori inebrianti vi scorrono addosso come acqua di sorgente, co...

Located on the north-western coast of Sicily, “Arab-Norman Palermo includes a series of nine civil and religious structures dating from the era of the Norman kingdom of Sicily (1130-1194): two palaces, three churches, a cathedral, a bridge, as well as the cathedrals of Cefalú and Monreale,” writes Unesco, which inscribed these monuments into its Wo...

From their earliest days, the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies has always had the well-being of the peoples of southern Italy and Sicily in their hearts. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies ruled Southern Italy from 1734 to 1860. The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was the largest sovereign state on the Italian peninsula, by both population and size,...