MTV may have finally decided to whack its controversial mob-based reality show, “Made in Staten Island.” The reality series only aired three episodes before the cable network mysteriously stopped showing it in February with no explanation. MTV never officially announced the cancellation, and kept the show on its list of series on — until...

For her philanthropic and humanitarian efforts, Gina Biancardi, the founder of Casa Belvedere, was invested as Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Francis I, during an Investiture ceremony Friday evening at the Italian Cultural Center on Grymes Hill.  The Royal Order of Francis I is an Order of Chivalry established in the former Kingdom of the T...

Staten Island author Andrew Paul Mele, who recently released a book titled, ‘Ceasars of the Diamond,’ will appear for a book signing Sunday in the Staten Island Sports Hall of Fame room at the CYO-MIV Center in Prince’s Bay. Mele, an Annadale resident, penned the book in honor of Italian Americans in Major League Baseball between the years 1897-201...

Deana Martin, the daughter of entertainment legend Dean Martin —  a founding member of the “Rat Pack” whose good looks, charisma and stage presence earned him the nickname “The King of Cool” —  is returning to Lorenzo’s Cabaret at the Hilton Garden Inn. And is Staten Island ever lucky! The multi-talented song-stylist, actress, best-selling author a...

The US World Herald’s chief economist Gina Friedman looks at the most recent census data to reveal where most Italian-Americans live today. This is the first part of the report and it will focus on New York City. Astoria, a neighborhood in Queens, is home to the largest Italian-American population in New York City — 15,418 to be specific. Italians...

Ciao from Rome to all the friends of We the Italians, and Happy Easter! We are particularly pleased and proud to announce the first partnership that kicks off a new season for We the Italians. We know that the problem of dual citizenship is very important for several members of the Italian American community, and that is why we are pleased to be ab...

Wagner College will hold its annual commencement exercise on Friday, May 10 at 9:30 a.m. The program will take place under a big-top tent erected on the Sutter Oval in front of the college’s iconic Main Hall on Howard Avenue, Grymes Hill. The commencement speaker will be President Richard Guarasci, who is retiring in June after 22 years with the co...

The Staten Island society scene is decked out in full regalia and right about now the social calendar is aflutter with charity balls, glittery galas, and all sorts of ceremonial and celebratory events. And there’s lots more in store for the year ahead that we'll be sure to publicize. So as all sorts of fun photos file in — and because we like to ke...

After nearly 30 years at the same location in the East Shore community of Dongan Hills,  Café Luna continues to be a welcomed mainstay along Hylan Boulevard’s restaurant row, and distinguishes itself as one of first dining spots on Staten Island to offer alfresco dining. The cozy eatery where regulars return time and again for authentic Sicilian cu...

Inside the kitchen of a cozy Staten Island restaurant, 84-year-old Maria Gialanella stuffs a creamy spinach and ricotta mixture into a ravioli mold, which will be cooked and served to dozens of hungry customers. Gialanella has no professional training. In fact, this is her first restaurant gig since her teenage years, but one qualification makes he...