Rocky is an American film released in the year 1976. It was directed by Sylvester Stallone and he also played the lead role of the movie. The movie revolves around an Italian American boxer named Rocky Balboa who is uneducated, kind-hearted, and poor but very passionate about boxing. He works as a debt collector for a loan shark in the slums of Phi...
READ MOREA new "Rocky" documentary is on its way -- and it's narrated by the Italian Stallion himself, Sylvester Stallone. "40 Years of Rocky: The Birth of a Classic" will delve into the role that made the Hollywood actor a star, as he recalls his experience working on the original "Rocky" movie. Written and produced by Derek Wayne Johnson, the behind...
READ MORESylvester Stallone, also known as the Rocky megastar and creator, thought that he has already seen the last of Rocky Balboa in the Creed franchise. But, out of nowhere, Stallone suddenly reveals a shocking update on Rocky, saying that there’s a “good chance that Rocky may be riding once again.” Consequently, revealing plans for a “well-timed” new m...
READ MOREAfter 35 years of dying his hair every month, Sylvester Stallone has had enough. “I was just fed up of going and having it dyed, I was like, I can’t do this anymore,” the iconic Hollywood action star told Grinberg News with a laugh. In the past, Stallone has been known for his signature, slicked back darker hair – but this grey look is clearly a we...
READ MOREA group of New Jersey high school students got quite the power punch when "Rocky" star Sylvester Stallone decided to pay them a surprise visit. Students from Eastside High School's Culinary Arts, Hospitality, and Tourism School (CAHTS) in Paterson were on their way home from a field trip Monday when they decided to stop by the statue of Rocky Balbo...
READ MORESylvester Stallone shares an uncanny, symbiotic connection with Rocky, the underdog boxer character he created four decades ago — a kindred spirit who served as his creative muse in spawning one of Hollywood’s most successful film franchises. In his long career Stallone also played another memorable screen role — John Rambo — but Rocky was of his o...
READ MOREAction movie superstar Sylvester Stallone told cinemagoers in Cannes on Friday that he never expected to make it in the film industry due to an accident at birth that caused him to slur his words - now one of his more celebrated trademarks. The U.S. actor, 72, rocketed to fame in 1976 with his Oscar-winning boxing movie "Rocky" and went on to becom...
READ MOREIn a short video published on his Instagram account, Sylvester Stallone officially ended an era by retiring his most iconic character, Rocky Balboa. This comes on the heels of Creed II's release and subsequent box office success, so it seems fitting that Stallone officially passed the baton to Michael B. Jordan, who joined him at the end of the vid...
READ MOREToday, “Creed II” hits theaters. And who — in 1976, when Sylvester Stallone’s original “Rocky” was released — could have imagined that a “little movie that could” would still be delivering box-office knockouts well into the 21st century? The long-awaited sequel revisits the Cold War Ivan Drago rivalry from 1985’s “Rocky IV” — and its very existence...
READ MORECreed II officially kicked off filming in Philadelphia earlier this month, bringing Rocky Balboa himself, Sylvester Stallone, back to the city for the Rocky franchise’s eighth installment. Sly even stopped by the old Rocky statue at the Philadelphia Museum of Art for a hit of nostalgia that Philly folks loved. Across town at the Da Vinci Art Allian...