Fiat SpA (F), Italy's biggest manufacturer, may retreat further from its heritage by selecting New York as the primary exchange for its stock after a planned merger with Chrysler Group LLC.

Have you ever dreamt about getting locked in into our store for a night? Your dream is about to come true! On December 7th Eataly will open its doors from 10PM to 1AM for a night celebratingTutte le Cose Belle Italiane(All the Beautiful Italian Things) from food and wine to music. The renowned Teatro Regio Orchestra and Chorus from Torino, conduct...

The Italian-American Cultural Center of Iowa is pleased to host "An Evening In Turin" fundraising dinner to be held Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at the Embassy Club West. Dinner will be prepared by visiting chefs Antonio and Stefano Latini.   Together, the father/son team own Villa Somis and Nove Merli restaurants near Turin, the capita...

Italy's E.M.A.R.C. SpA headquarted in Piemonte, Italy recently announced the signing of a joint venture agreement with its US partner, Vari-Form. The new agreement increases manufacturing footprints for E.M.A.R.C. in North America and Vari-Form in Europe. Going forward, both companies will offer locally-available advanced technologies - hydroformin...

Aperitivo Scientifico - S&T Colloquium - Evento trimestrale. Lunedi 16 novembre - 18:30 - Dante Alighieri Society - 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge Ma. Museo Egizio: ricerca e museologia - Christian Greco, Direttore del Museo Egizio di Torino. Christian Greco è un egittologo, docente universitario del corso "Egyptian fun...

Europe Unlimited and its partners Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino, Unioncamere Piemonte, and Enterprise Europe Network are pleased to announce the fourth edition of the Italian Venture Forum taking place in Torino, Italy on the 4th of November 2014, which will showcase Italian best innovative companies in ICT, Clea...

Photographer Richard Haskin and writer Pierette Domenica Simpson are proposing a DETUR in the Art community of Detroit and Turin.   DETUR, (short for Detroit-Turin Exchange) refers to a new path intended to create a cultural bridge for artists of every genre to explore, enrich, and connect with the Art world that now mostly exist...

di Giuseppe Oddo   La Fiat è ormai, di fatto, un'azienda americana. La società realizza in Italia meno del 9% del proprio fatturato consolidato (il 50% in meno di dieci anni fa). Nella Penisola occupa il 29% dei propri dipendenti e ospita il 28% dei propri stabilimenti su scala mondiale. I suoi profitti provengono interamente dalla Chrysler....

A photographic exhibition by Richard Haskin of Dearborn, and a related documentary by Pierette Simpson of Novi, are the catalyst for launching "Detroit-Turin Exchange" in the U.S. DETUR (for short) is an international project aimed at creating cultural bridges for artists of Detroit and its sister city, Turin, Italy.   The October event segu...

di Dario Ujetto   Noi torinesi, gente strana e orgogliosa della nostra città fino al parossismo, oggi festeggiamo monsù tramezzino. Novant'anni fa, il triangolino isoscele di pancarrè soffice da farcire a piacimento non esisteva proprio. Ma dal gennaio 1926, da quando è stato inventato nel retrobottega del Caffè Mulassano di piazza Cast...