With the legal name of Cenni di Pepi, and the common moniker of Cimabue, came a revolution in medieval Italian art. As the most celebrated Florentine artist of his generation, Cimabue (pronounced chee ma BOO ay) is hailed for transitioning Italian art out of the flatness of Byzantine icons to the beginnings of the naturalism that would culminate a...

Last May, Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition, the longest running award of its type, celebrated in Orlando, FL its 25th anniversary. This milestone was commemorated with a delicate 8 minutes film called ”Timeless Tiles: The Italian Legacy” directed by Francesca Molteni with the contribution of architectural historian Fulvio Irace; the documentary p...

As a result of a collaboration between Indiana University and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, it's now possible to view some of the world's most admired ancient artifacts and sculptures in 3D without traveling overseas. A newly launched website, www.digitalsculpture-uffizi.org, was unveiled Tuesday in a ceremony at the historic Uffizi Galler...

It’s easy to miss the ancient Tuscan town of Sommocolonia. Perched on the spine of a high ridge amid a wild expanse of canyons, ravines and chestnut forests 38 miles north of Pisa, there are no restaurants, inns or cafes there. Nor are there any banks, grocery stores, pharmacies or things that really make a town a town. The stone settlement isn’t i...

Often ignored in favour of more famous Tuscan towns, Arezzo has everything from designer shopping to medieval jousting tournaments. Here are nine reasons you should visit Arezzo on your next trip to Tuscany. 1. Renaissance art - Most visitors to Arezzo are drawn here by the famous fresco depicting The Legend of the True Cross by Renaissance painter...

I knew I had become truly Italian once I had mastered shopping for food on a daily basis (every morning) as opposed to a large once-weekly supermarket shop. Food shopping Italian style means encompassing the fundamentals of an Italian diet, which is buying food that one needs for that day (maybe two because there will be leftovers), and buying only...

Italian Enthusiasts know that in Italy, there is no shortage of dialects.  A Sicilian speaking in his pure vernacular is not usually understandable to Italians from other regions.  In other parts of Italy, however, one’s dialect may not be so different than standard Italian whereas to render the speech wholly unintelligible. As we become more acqua...

Regine delle "stories" a loro insaputa. Tanto belle da essere le più fotografate, condivise, ammirate: le spiagge italiane dominano incontrastate l'estate social, tanto da essere fra le più apprezzate e taggate su Instagram. A raccontarlo è il portale Holidu, motore di ricerca per case vacanza, che ha realizzato uno studio per capire quali fossero...

Sono l’alter ego delle Bandiere Blu per i comuni rurali. Come quei vessilli azzurri certificano i migliori tratti di mare in base a una quantità di parametri ambientali, le Spighe Verdi sottolineano l’attenzione al territorio, alla qualità della vita, all’agricoltura e alla sostenibilità (anche quando, in certi casi, vengano assegnate a località ma...

The Leonini Horti dates back to the period of reconstruction immediately after the long war that culminated with the fall of the Republic of Siena in 1558, commissioned and built by Diomede Leoni in conjunction with the restoration of the ancient walls. Monsignor Lattanzi, on November 8, 1581, wrote that "within the said Land of San Quirico, alread...