After a three-year-long restoration, Renaissance master Piero della Francesca's Resurrection can once again be admired in its original glory at the civic museum of Sansepolcro, the little Tuscan town where the artist was born sometime around 1420. The details and colors that make up the masterpiece have been brought back to life - the eyes of Jesus...

FERRAGAMO’S HOLLYWOOD: “Italy in Hollywood” is the next exhibition to be staged at the Salvatore FerragamoMuseum, located in the 13th-century Palazzo Spini Feroni in Florence, which also houses the brand’s headquarters. The exhibit runs May 24 through March 10, 2019. Curators Giuliana Muscio and Stefania Ricci focused on 1915 to 1927 — the years th...

Folks worldwide flock to this Renaissance city with more motives than one, but its oh-so famous, lip-smacking gelato is reason alone to visit. Unbeknownst to many, the tasty treat is said to boast Florentine roots in the city’s court, linking your modern-day indulgence with Florence’s glorious history. Records of frozen desserts akin to today’s gel...

It might surprise you to learn that Italy has a number of pink flamingo populations for several months each year. Starting from late winter and early spring, the birds migrate to Italian waters – where you can admire them in the wild. Now that the first flocks of 2018 are already enjoying the spring, here's where to head for the best views of Italy...

Full disclosure: I am not from Siena. I am not even Italian, though, like many Americans, I wish I were, and all three of my children have Italian names—one so intensely Italian only Italians can pronounce it properly. (Poor girl, spending years having her name mangled by friends… but she loves it anyway). Despite my origins, I decided, seven years...

Fabbricare dispositivi elettronici sempre più piccoli, come i transistor, definendo materiali e strutture atomo per atomo, è possibile grazie a metodi di ingegneria quantistica. Lo dimostra una ricerca pubblicata su “Nature Nanotechnology” e condotta dal dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Pisa, l’Università di Texas a D...

Le botteghe fiorentine diventano global, grazie alla rete. Sono una sessantina gli artigiani che sono sbarcati su Amazon, uno dei negozi online più grandi al mondo. Lo chiamano artigianato 4.0 e non è un semplice nomignolo per togliere la polvere ai vecchi mestieri. Per le piccole imprese si tratta di un mercato nuovo, un volano per l’economia e l’...

Every year the County of Santa Clara CA USA/Province of Florence, Italy Sister County Commission offers scholarships to university students from Santa Clara County who are participating for an academic year in a University approved International Program in Florence, Italy. Applications are available at: Completed...

Scalding water bubbles to the surface, spilling steady streams of steam into the air. The stench of sulphur saturates the surroundings, filling the nose of any visitor with the distinct, unpleasant stink of rotten eggs. The Devil’s Valley is a hotbed of geothermal activity. As such, it was also a hub for energetic innovations. The first demonstrati...

The three-story school building hasn’t changed much. The blackboards still hang against the ochre-colored classroom wall. Even the morning ritual is familiar: Two students walk through the rows of tiny desks to collect the exercise books, which are still stacked inside in the same storage closet used during the late 1980s, when I was a primary scho...