Work to expand the Uffizi Gallery's exhibit space has unearthed an ancient cemetery with dozens of skeletons archaeologists say might have been victims of the plague or some other epidemic that swept through Florence during the 4th or 5th century.   Archaeologists and art officials showed reporters Wednesday the excavation at the renowned mu...

In 2016, Friends of Florence and Save Venice Inc. will sponsor the conservation treatment of a group of 48 drawings by the Venetian artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1692–1770), held in the Horne Museum of Florence. Forty-four of the drawings are bound in an album and an additional four from the same album are mounted separately.   The drawi...

The University of Virginia is installing new capitals on its historic Rotunda. The column-toppers are part of the $50-million restoration of the centerpiece of Mr. Jefferson's university. Crews plan to lift the first of the 6,800 pound Carrara marble toppers into place Monday. Italian craftsmen created the 16 new capitals based on Thomas Jeffe...

Provost Alan M. Garber announced today that Harvard art and architecture history professor Alina Payne will become director of the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies at Villa I Tatti in Florence, Italy. She will take up her new role this summer.   Payne succeeds Lino Pertile, the Carl A. Pescosolido Professor of Romanc...

by Chris Smith   The Sansepolcro Flag-Wavers, a group of drummers, trumpeters and flag-wavers from the Tuscan region of Italy, will perform at noon Friday, March 20, in front of the East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie. The performance, held in honor of St. Joseph's Day on thursday, March 19, is free and open to t...

"Renting 'prestige' cars in Italy (including Ferraris) is fairly common for well-funded car enthusiasts," says Brian Dore, with Concierge in Umbria. "I'm sure that your reader has visions of 'opening it up' and zipping around from town to town passing everyone in sight.   The reality is that the roads in the Tuscan countryside are typically...

by Silvia Simonetti   For the Italian Catholic community of Los Angeles, St. Peter's Church on Broadway has been representing a sanctuary of peace and fraternity for over a hundred years.   Thanks to the generous gift of a parish family and to the mastery of Roman artist Enzo Aiello, the community of St. Peter's could celebrate the in...

"Truffles & Treasures of Italy" is an exclusive culinary tour, which will focus on Italy's celebrated white truffles, exquisite regional cuisine, and artistic treasures in Umbria, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany. Mirepoix USA, a leading online purveyor of specialty gourmet foods, has announced that the company's tour is confirmed for October 20 – No...

La notizia ormai nota della vignette di Nicholas Blechman sul New York Times che ha fatto il giro del mondo ha creato scompiglio. Ha generato dichiarazioni squalificanti e penalizzanti nei confronti dell'intero comparto olivicolo italiano e di riflesso anche su quello della Regione Toscana. Le ultime dichiarazioni del Presidente Enrico Rossi e del...

by Giulia Louise Steigerwalt   Lisa del Giocondo, also known as Lisa Gherardini, was a member of the Florentine Gherardini family back in 1479. Her husband commissioned her portrait to Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance and today many experts believe that that same painting is the Mona Lisa, also known as "La Gioconda".  ...