Narni, an enchanting town in the heart of  Italy, is often overlooked by the usual tourist trail, yet it holds a wealth of history, culture, and natural beauty that beckons those yearning for a journey into a place where time seems to stand still. Nestled in the province of Terni, in the southern part of Umbria, this ancient town offers a unique gl...

Walk the quiet stone streets of Lucignano and it’s easy to see why it was named one of the most beautiful towns in Italy. This small fortified village in Tuscany, not far from Arezzo, is famous not only for its cultural and historical significance but also for its efforts to preserve and promote an authentic way of life. The Beautiful Towns of Ital...

Think of Italy, and its excellent cuisine is likely one of the first things that springs to mind. The birthplace of everything from pizza and pasta to burrata and ice cream, it’s a veritable mecca for foodies who travel from all over the world to sample the country's culinary delights in situ. For it’s in Italy itself that the famous recipes and fa...

Lately, I seem to have Milan on my mind. To me, the Grey Lady is a dynamic city that propels you into modern Italy, setting itself apart from the Grand Tour allure of Rome, Florence, Venice and Naples. Milan never quite gets the standing ovation that I feel she deserves for her architectural and cultural legacy, design innovation and Italian histor...

Have you heard of Lazio’s dying town? Located a couple of hours north of Rome in the under-the-radar region of Tuscia, Civita di Bagnoregio rises on a bluff and looks almost like an island surrounded by a valley. I recently included it in a list of Italy’s most charming small towns for AFAR, but I think it warrants a closer look. Curious to see the...

April is the first real month of spring. It brings longer days and the chance to live more outdoors. It is not yet the hot weather of the summer months, but with a little luck you can meet some wonderful days. For this reason, April can be the ideal month to visit various places in Italy. In this article we suggest you ten diverse destinations to c...

Welcome to Savoring Italy's go-to Siena guide, the essence of Tuscany. Siena mixes history, tradition, and Italian country flavors. It's medieval and unspoiled. We'll dive into a place where Piazza del Campo beats with life, cobblestone paths surprise, and every corner dishes out Siena's culinary history. Gothic buildings, lively markets, and hills...

An area of Italy almost unknown outside the country... until now. A place so naturally beautiful, and rich in so many aspects from culture to gastronomy, it's no wonder the Italians decided to keep this hidden gem to themselves. Where is the Cilento and why should you visit?Tucked away in Italy's Campania region, the area home to the city of Naples...

Cherry blossoms, known as "fiori di ciliegio" in Italian, are admired for their beauty and symbolism in Italy. While Italy may not be as famous for its cherry blossoms as countries like Japan, there are still several regions where these delicate flowers bloom, offering stunning displays during the springtime. This guide lists some of the most beaut...

Venice doesn't need any presentation, it is simply the most romantic and beautiful city in the world: with its canals cruised by the traditional Venetian boats called gondole, its squares where princesses and kings had strolled into and its monumental Palaces decorated with masterpieces made by the most famous artists. Venice is also renowned for i...