Promuovere sul nostro territorio programmi di studio e vacanza-studio residenziali per Università Americane, volti allo sviluppo delle aree rurali e di un turismo di qualità.   È questo l'obiettivo dell'iniziativa presentata da Ilex (Italian Landscape Exploration), un'impresa che a Fontecchio gestisce il Centro di educazione al paesaggio "To...

Here on this corner of the internet, we see a lot of abandoned places. For some of them, we can even understand how circumstances might have led their abandonment. This however, is a head-in-hands kind of moment.   The Castello di Sammezzano is a show-stopper, a jaw-dropper. Hidden away in the Tuscan hills of Northern Italy, this electrifyin...

Sapevate che l'Italia è attualmente la nazione con il maggior numero di siti inclusi nella lista dei Patrimoni dell'Umanità dell'Unesco? Sono ben 50 le meraviglie che punteggiano lo stivale e 6 sono i Patrimoni Orali e Immateriali: un Paese da record, quindi, definito già con Dante e Petrarca "il Bel Paese"!   Venite con noi a scoprire quest...

Expo visitors can experience 360-degree views of hiking trails in the Dolomites, thanks to a project going on display at the Friuli Giulia Venezia Region stand from July 3-9 that highlights the images captured with a special Google mapping device for hikers. The project, called "Dolomiti Google Special Collects", is part of the UNESCO Dolomite...

1. Marina de Pisciotta, Campania Lee Marshall, author of Telegraph Travel's guides to Rome, Florence, Tuscany and Sicily, recommends this unheralded spot in the Province of Salerno.   "Twenty years ago, I promised the friend who told me about Pisciotta and its Marina that I would avoid writing about it," he says. "But surely there must be a...

In my head, there's a certain certitude about Florence: this is where I have lived at some point, in some life. The certitude is entirely without reason. Yes, I know the city well, even intimately now. But have always just been a visitor to it.   Perhaps every visitor feels the same. As they take in the magnificence of the piazzas and the pa...

The love affair between Italy and the world brings more than 45 million travelers to the boot each year. Among them are thousands of Italian-Americans, generations removed from immigrant forebears, who come to bask in Italy's warmth and seduction — and, often, to find lost pieces of themselves.The unequaled beauty of Italy's cities and countryside...

Paolo Rossi, founder of the Italian travel site, Dante in America, is arranging for some exciting late summer travels that may interest the Italian community in New Mexico.   "I take groups of people on a journey through the regions of the world I know best, the places where I spent considerable parts of my life, truly exploring all their un...

The Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere is perched on a bluff above the Adriatic Sea, overlooking a patch of grapevines, olive trees, and a long sandy stretch of beach. In the Italian province of Chieti, the Abbey was completed in the 13th century and built over an old Roman temple – columns from which still remain deep in the Abbey's crypt, alongside...

If you want to visit Italy this summer, why not soak up the sun in the mild 65 to 68 degree temperatures of the Aosta region, Italy's smallest region. Although it is in Italy and bordered on the south and east by the Piedmont Region, Aosta is also neighbors with France and Switzerland. As a result, it has influences from these areas that make it ev...