Carl Distefano è un cittadino americano nato nel Nebraska che per lavoro si trasferì a Los Angeles. Da un paio di mesi risiede a Catania e di tornare in America non ci pensa proprio. Noi lo abbiamo intervistato per capire a fondo le ragioni della sua scelta. Come prima cosa gli abbiamo chiesto perché avesse scelto di venire a Catania se abitava in...

Italy boasts more than half of Europe's historic or unusual cemeteries of interest to tourists but is poorly organised to develop this specialised sector of the tourism market, a survey made available exclusively to ANSA says.   As many as 192 Italian graveyards are of touristic interest, representing 55% of the total in Europe, followed by...

Italy has once again been voted as the world's best destination for 2014. According to The Local, readers of Conde Nast Traveller have voted the country as the world's favourite travel destination.   With its diverse landscape and rich heritage, Italy managed to retain its title for a fourth consecutive year. Meanwhile, the USA and...

In this episode of The Italian American Podcast, we speak with Kathy McCabe, host and executive producer of the travel series "Dream of Italy," showing on PBS stations around the U.S. through spring 2017. The television series is inspired by the award-winning subscription travel newsletter and website, Dream of Italy, which McCabe founded in 2002,...

Superare un milione di turisti italiani negli Stati Uniti nel 2016. E' questo obiettivo che ha animato i lavori del 19° Showcase USA-Italy tenutosi a Torino, organizzato dall'U.S. Commercial Service del Consolato Usa di Milano e dall'Associazione Visit Usa Italia.   "Our Parks", ispirato dal Centenario del National Park System, è stato il te...

Vernon McClure, owner and recreational specialist for Italiaoutdoors Food and Wine, was recently named one of the "Great Tour Guides of Northern Italy" by Dream of Italy magazine. Vernon was the only solo practitioner specializing in active tours to be so recognized. To quote travel specialist Madeline Jhawar from Italy Beyond the Obvious, "Aptly...

Sono oltre 400mila i turisti attesi negli hotel e nei B&B di Roma fra Natale e Capodanno: il 4 per cento in più rispetto allo scorso anno. E positivi sono anche i numeri che guardano a tutto l'anno, misurando arrivi e presenze da gennaio a nomembre 2014. I dati sono stati elaborati dall'Ebtl e presentati stamattina in una conferenza all'hotel M...

Tourism at Expo 2015 is expected to generate 5 billion euros of revenue, said Expo CEO Giuseppe Sala on Wednesday during his visit to Rai headquarters. Sala said the number is realistic given that 20 million people are expected to visit Expo 2015. «It's the number I like the most, together with that of participating countries' foreign investments...

Oltre 800 chilometri di costa divisi tra mar Adriatico e mar Ionio, sabbia finissima e acque cristalline. Inoltre paesaggi naturali affascinanti, borghi antichi ricchi di cultura e, naturalmente, la ricca tradizione gastronomica. Sono alcuni degli aspetti che hanno convinto tre autorevoli "stranieri" – il National Geographic, Lonely Planet e New Yo...

The Italy Fund. That's what my mother used to call it, the extra money she would sock away — twenty dollars here, fifty there, another hundred under there. It began, I think, in my late elementary school years, the idea that our family would somehow financially be able to swing a four-person trip to the country our family fled at the turn of the ce...