Songwriter Luca Burgalassi lives in York County, but the title of his new CD — “On the Other Side of the Water” — refers to more than crossing the James River. Burgalassi, 43, grew up near Tuscany, Italy. He has played his share of shows in Hampton Roads, but the water refers to in his new CD is the ocean he traversed when he moved to the United St...

“Why are there so many people here?” an insistent 3-year-old Giacomo Baiamonte asked as he looked over a crowd squeezing into a corner of the Stilly Valley Collective. With that welcome, the mop-haired boy’s parents, Antonio and Kiersten, declared the grand opening of Caffe Italiano March 1, the newest barista stop brewing a little Italian coffee c...

Dumfries may likely be the first municipality in Virginia to eliminate Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The Dumfries Town Council also will no longer observe the state’s Lee-Jackson Day holiday and will instead give its staff the day off on Election Day. The Dumfries Town Council made the decisions during its Feb. 19 meetin...

Si è svolta lunedì scorso all’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington la cerimonia di consegna di due onorificenze all’Ordine della Stella d’Italia. A ricevere il prestigioso riconoscimento, conferito dal Presidente della Repubblica, sono stati Flavia Colombo, nel grado di Cavaliere, e Lucio D’Andrea, quale Ufficiale dell’Ordine, in virtù dell’attività a...

“Wonderful elixir!  Thou art mine!  Oh, why cannot I enjoy its effects immediately?”  so says the lovesick  peasant Nemorino. Yet this elixir of love is hardly a perfect love potion for Valentine’s Day.  Instead, it is a scam whereby the scamp Dr. Dulcamara, knowing Nemorino’s desperate attempts to capture the noble lady Adina‘s heart, tricks him i...

Virginia Tech will celebrate the indigenous people of the Americas on the second Monday of October, a day normally reserved for observing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus. The university further encouraged Virginia to cease celebrating Columbus Day and honor indigenous people on the state holiday. On Monday, President Tim Sands approv...

A mainstay in Alexandria’s West End, Fratelli’s Italian Restaurant at 410 S. Van Dorn Street, has been dishing up northern Italian specialties for almost 15 years and makes you feel like family the moment you step through the door. Butter-based sauces rich with cream grace northern Italian tables just as they do in France, but Italian chefs put the...

From wine dinners to happy hour, Hank’s Pasta Bar has something for everyone. It is located on the north side of Old Town Alexandria, just minutes from D.C. I sat down with Massimo Giannetti, the General Manager, and Chef Thomas Palmer to discuss the overall concept for Hank’s Pasta Bar.  “We’re known for our fresh pasta and Italian dishes,” Chef T...

Jacopo Gliozzi is an exemplar of the term “scholar-athlete.” Actually, “scientist-athlete” would be more accurate. Gliozzi became interested in William & Mary because of its men’s gymnastic team. He ended up mastering not only the pommel horse, but also a rigorous math-physics double major with a perfect 4.0 GPA — capped by induction into Phi Beta...

Squisito Pizza & Pasta in Oakton, Virginia is now open for business in Fairfax County. This location marks the first Squisito owned by franchisees Kevin and Jake Trump who are local to the area. The Trump’s dined with Squisito in fall 2017 and fell in love with the brand. One year later they opened their very own Squisito and are looking forward to...