The Abruzzo Molise Heritage Society (AMHS) is pleased to announce our next general Society meeting program for Sunday, July 26, 2015, in Casa Italiana (595 ½ 3rd Street NE, Washington DC) at 1:00 pm.   Join the Abruzzo Molise Heritage Society (AMHS) to hear Andreas Sandre, Press and Public Affairs Officer, Embassy of Italy, and author of "Di...

In occasione del 100esimo anniversario dalla nascita del regista Michelangelo Antonioni (1912-2007), che cadrà il 29 settembre prossimo, la National Gallery of Art, assieme all'American Film Institute (AFI) e all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Washington, proporrà una retrospettiva delle sue opere più note.Tra l'11 agosto e i primi di settembre sa...

What if we could build structures three times as fast at half the cost? What if these structures used half the resources of standard construction and produced one third the carbon footprint? What if these structures required minimal upkeep and were more resistant to natural disasters? It may sound like fantasy, but these structures exist and are ca...

"Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea" is the title of an exhibition recently opened at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington with a mass celebrated by Cardinal Wuerl.   The exhibition, organised as part of the American celebrations for the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will run until 12 April 2015....

Limoncello — like salad dressing, pasta sauce and grenadine — is something you should almost always make at home. Sure, there are commercial brands, and some are okay. Luxardo, maker of the top maraschino liqueur, also produces a decent limoncello. But too many, like Caravella or Pallini, are just so cloyingly sweet. And others, like Danny DeVito'...

Un incontro tra agenzie della Difesa e settore privato per sviluppare un dialogo approfondito e strutturato tra Italia e Stati Uniti in materia di ricerca scientifica e innovazione negli ambiti della Difesa e della Sicurezza prende oggi il via presso l'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington.   L'evento, della durata di tre giorni, è finalizzato al...

Join Emiliano Reali, a young talented Italian writer for the presentation of the translation in English of his book On the Edge (Sul ciglio del dirupo) .   The book, presented by the City of Rome in 2012, has been widely reviewed in the national press and presented on numerous radio and television channels.   Read more   Source...

The Italian Centenary of the First World War, the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute are pleased to present the premiere of Torneranno i Prati, a movie by Ermanno Olmi produced by Cinema Undici and Ipotesi Cinema with Rai Cinema.   On the same day - also anniversary of the armistice signed at Villa Giusti - the film will be...

Beth J. Harpaz Pope Francis will visit three U.S. cities, Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia, Sept. 22-27. For travelers with an interest in sacred places, here are some of the top Catholic heritage sites — including several on the pope's itinerary — in those cities. WASHINGTON, D.C. St. Matthew's Cathedral, 1725 Rhode Island Ave. N...

È morto a Washington, all'età di 92 anni, Joseph P. Vaghi, Jr, uno dei fondatori della National Italian American Foundation. Vaghi e sua moglie Agnes – per anni segretaria della Niaf – hanno lavorato fianco a fianco con Monsignor Geno Baroni e Jeno Paulucci per istituire quella che sarebbe divenuta la più importante e influente associazione italo-...