When: February 21, 2017 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM - Where: At the Library of Congress The Law Library of Congress will commemorate the 500th anniversary of the founding of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice with the program “Understanding Seclusion: the Legal Dimensions of the Ghetto”, which is in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy/Italian Cultural Inst...

Embassy of Italy - Auditorium. 3000 Whitehaven Street NW. Washington, DC 20008. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. February 24, 2017 DOORS OPEN AT 6:30PM AND CLOSE AT 6:55PM. PLEASE NOTE: RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH EVENTBRITE. NO PHONE OR EMAIL RSVP AVAILABLE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Instit...

The Membership Sales Associate is responsible for maintaining member relations with the organization, strategizing new avenues for member enrollment, enrolling new members, and increasing the overall retention rate of the current membership base. The Membership Sales Associate is responsible for all member services activities, including processing...

The National Gallery of Art in Washington is holding an exhibition, titled “Della Robbia: Sculpting with Color in Renaissance Florence” to celebrate three generations of the Della Robbia family and their contemporaries. Luca della Robbia (1399/1400-1482) was a master sculptor in marble and bronze who invented a glazing technique for terracotta scu...

E’ indetta la selezione per l’assunzione presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington di un impiegato con contratto temporaneo (della durata di sei mesi) da adibire ai servizi di Collaboratore amministrativo. Possono candidarsi coloro che siano in possesso dei seguenti requisiti alla data del presente avviso: abbiano compiuto il 18° anno di età; siano...

“L’Italia sbarca per la prima volta negli Usa con il suo sistema universitario per cercare di rafforzare la collaborazione sul fronte degli scambi di studenti e ricercatori, nonché dei progetti comuni, anche legati al mondo industriale. Promotrice dell’iniziativa l’Ambasciata italiana a Washington, che è riuscita a mettere insieme la Conferenza dei...

The Fulbright Program in Italy, the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) and Georgetown University are pleased to announce a new and exciting award for Italian scholars and teachers: the Fulbright-NIAF-Georgetown Research Lectureship in Education.  The grant aims to support an Italian elementary/middle school teacher or university lecturer/r...

When: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 From 6:45 pm To 8:45 pm Where: Embassy of Italy, 3000 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008 An exceptional Lecture, open to a general audience, by the Keynote Speakers: Gino Segrè and Bettina Hoerlin, Authors of the recent and acclaimed book "The Pope of Physics: Enrico Fermi and the Birth of the Atomic Age"...

by Marco Valsania   They make sophisticated stereo speakers. Or renewable energy technology. And customized yacht as well as electronic components for car engines.   The contingent of 41 Italian companies that took part in the second SelectUsa summit, the Obama administration national initiative to attract foreign direct investments t...

January 21, 2016 - Thursday 7:30 PM - Cork and Fork - 1522 14th St NW Washington, DC 20005. Currently Italy's wine classification system has four categories. In descending "quality" order they are: DOCG (e.g. Controlled and Guaranteed Origin Denomination), DOC (Controlled Origin Denomination), IGT (Protected Geographic Indicatio...