For 30 years, Seattle’s Festa Italiana has celebrated and honored everything Italian. It’s an annual week-long series of events where our Northwest Italian-American community showcases the very best in Italian food, culture, products and entertainment. It is the largest ethnic festival featured at Seattle Center.

Ciao from Rome! Here we are with another month, another editorial, another wonderful magazine about Italy, from your friends at We the Italians!

A few days ago, on behalf of We the Italians I had the privilege to attend a private meeting where some very important and charismatic Italians gathered to discuss a project called "Schola Italica", coming from the ingenious mind of Piero Bassetti. Last year I interviewed Mr. Bassetti, and I found his vision about the "Italici" paradigm very intere...

Ciao from Rome! But almost on the plane for New York. Hello to all We the Italians readers. I'm about to leave for New York City, where as usual We the Italians will be at the NIAF Spring Gala. And I'll be bearing a gift! The new book is out, at the beginning of every year we will publish a yearbook about the year before, and so this is the We the...

Ciao from Rome! After a long, hard and very difficult work, we are very happy and proud to present you the news website of We the Italians. Our website was born more than 4 years ago, an adventure between two friends who really didn't know very well the future of their endeavor. Now we take a new step in our trip, with a more secure, fast and deta...

Terzo appuntamento a Nettuno con “Per Bacco che Libro”, la rassegna letteraria organizzata dall’Associazione culturale 00042 insieme a Cantina Bacco e alla Scuola chitarristica di Antonio D’Augello. Oggi pomeriggio giovedì 16 febbraio, dalle ore 16.30 alle 19.00, nella location di Cantina Bacco (via Eschieto 1 – ex via cisterna km 1- Nettuno), verr...

A series of "not-to-be-missed" articles is coming to We the Italians' magazine next spring: 10 special stories dedicated to athletes of Italian origin who had success in many popular sport disciplines in the United States.  From baseball to basketball, from boxing to bowling, from football to golf, from hockey to racing and soccer and wrestling: th...

  WTI Magazine #68    2015 September, 18Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from Rome! Welcome to the 68th issue of our online magazine. "Italian Emotions, the Directors' Dream" is a new wonderful video published by and ENIT. Have you ever dreamed of being in the perfect place for emotions? This video describes a few Ita...

by Sandra Tornberg   Umberto Mucci is my "virtual" friend who lives in Rome – virtual because I met him online, a friend because we share many of the same interests and I rely on him for inspiration and support. Umberto is the founder and CEO of We the Italians,, a website about anything regarding Italy and the US. He h...

  WTI Magazine #11    2014  Jan, 3Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   And so, it's 2014! First of all I want to wish everyone of our readers to have a wonderful, gorgeous and very happy Italian and American new year.   2013 has been very important for We the Italians: we started our websit...