The cast and creatives behind “The Sopranos” reunited at Tribeca Festival Thursday night in celebration of the series’ 25th anniversary. They gathered for the premiere of Alex Gibney’s HBO documentary, “Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos,” which played to a packed audience at the Beacon Theatre on the Upper West Side of Manhattan Thursday night...

John Jay seniors studying the craft of an unfolding story were treated to a special insider's take on how those tales get told. One of the most iconic cast members on one of the most highly acclaimed television series of all time, "The Sopranos," walked down the aisle of John Jay High School's auditorium, stepped up on a chair and sat on the edge o...

"The Sopranos" is known for its groundbreaking storytelling, but so many other facets of the series were equally untraditional. Edie Falco gave an award-winning performance as Carmela, but she was the last person to expect she would be cast as a mob wife. Lorraine Bracco, who plays Dr. Melfi, wanted to break free of her typecast. In another univers...

A recent story in the Times Magazine proclaimed that “every young person in America” is watching “The Sopranos,” and there might be something to it. Since the advent of the pandemic, my social-media feeds have been full of commentary from people newly discovering the gabagool-scented world of Tony and the gang. Perhaps it has to do with the show’s...

Alan Taylor, the director of the upcoming "Sopranos" prequel film "The Many Saints Of Newark," has revealed that Edie Falco reprised her role as Carmela Soprano in the movie, but her only scene was omitted from the final theatrical cut.  "We had Edie come in and she dressed up as Carmela and we shot something with her, and it wound up not being in...

When Edie Falco first read the script for “Tommy,” a drama about the first female chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, she was intrigued. But she assumed it would film in LA, a nonstarter for a single mom with two kids in school in New York City. Thanks to a little Hollywood magic, Falco was able to take the part without having to relocate...

Everything about her Hollywood life melted away when Edie Falco, known for her star turns on the hit television series The Sopranos and Nurse Jackie, received a diagnosis for breast cancer. It was 2003, while she was working on The Sopranos. The diagnosis happened in the morning. “I remember I had to be at work at one [in the afternoon],” Falco sai...

When Edie Falco discusses her relationship with James Gandolfini, with whom she created one of the most complex and moving portraits of marriage ever shown on television, she sometimes admits that the two didn’t know each other very well. She recently told the “Today” show that, during the eight years in which they filmed “The Sopranos,” they never...