Italy has embarked on an ambitious venture to develop small nuclear fission reactors aimed at powering future lunar settlements. This initiative, known as the SELENE project (Sistema Energetico Lunare con l’Energia Nucleare), is spearheaded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in collaboration with the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and...

ENEA, as part of the ReBUS project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), which includes the Cnr, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Thales Alenia Space Italia, Kayser Italia, Telespazio and the Universities of Tor Vergata, Pavia and Federico II of Naples as coordinator, has developed an insect based system converting waste produced by astronau...

FoodSensor is a portable laser device based on a traffic light system developed at ENEA to rapidly detect food adulteration “Safe, simple to use even by non-expert personnel, it can be carried in a hand case. To detect food adulteration, is enough to put a small sample into the device without pre-treatment or chemical reagents”, explained Luca Fior...