In December 1223, Saint Francis of Assisi introduced the first live Nativity scene in Greccio (Lazio), to make the story of Jesus Christ's birth more tangible for the local populace. This marked the beginning of a tradition that has endured for over 800 years, transforming Greccio into a significant pilgrimage site, especially during the Christmas...

The medieval village of Greccio is one of Italy's most beautiful yet lesser-known villages. Perched on the hillside of the Rieti province, approximately 80km north of Rome, a row of rustic stone houses crawls along the edge of the hill, peering down onto the expanse of the valley below. For most of the year, Greccio's 1,500 inhabitants live a peace...

Not many are familiar with the name “Greccio,” and perhaps not even with the place. This pretty hamlet of 1,500 is located on the Apennines, in the Rieti province of Lazio, and is one of the Borghi più Belli d’Italia. But if you are devout to, or interested in the historical figure of Saint Francis of Assisi you know Greccio is important for the cu...