The Italian American Civil Rights League (IACRL), a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of Italian American heritage and history, named Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella “Italian American Man of the Year,” during the organization’s annual Christmas celebration and awards ceremony Sunday in the Little Italy section of Manhattan. The...

It’s Part 2 of our two-part episode exploring one of the most unique chapters in Italian American history as we sit down with author Don Capria to explore the life and times of Mafia boss and Italian American community leader Joseph Colombo, founder of the Italian American Civil Rights League. Picking up right where we left off, Capria will take us...

Exactly 50 years ago this week, on Monday, June 28, 1971, one of the more bizarre chapters in Italian American history unfolded in New York City’s Columbus Circle, as tens of thousands of people gathered for the second annual Italian American Unity Day!   On this week’s episode of the Italian American Podcast, we’re joined by Don Capria, author of...